

Integritee Parachain

This is the repository to run Integritee as a parachain on Kusama and Rococo. It is forked from the Cumulus repository.

Bump Dependencies

  1. Run these commands with the suitable polkadot version.
diener update --cumulus --branch polkadot-v0.9.xx
diener update --substrate --branch polkadot-v0.9.xx
diener update --polkadot --branch release-v0.9.xx
  1. Search and replace integritee-network/ dependencies to point to new polkadot-v0.9.xx branch.
  2. Search and replace orml dependencies to point to new polkadot-v0.9.xx branch.

Launch a local setup including a Relay Chain and a Parachain


  1. Download zombienet from the releases in the zombienet repository.
  2. Copy it to ~/.local/bin/
  3. Launch it in your terminal
zombienet-linux-x64 spawn --provider native zombienet/rococo-local-with-integritee-and-shell.toml

Note: You can also set a chain-spec path to the zombienet config, but the config param is named chain_spec_path.

Manually launch a local Rococo Testnet

Follow the steps provided in https://docs.substrate.io/tutorials/v3/cumulus/start-relay/

But keep the following in mind:

Runtime upgrade

Two runtimes are contained in this repository. First, the shell-runtime, which has been extended compared to the upstream shell-runtime. It has some additional modules including sudo to facilitate a runtime upgrade with the sudo upgrade method. Second, it runs with the same executor instance as the integritee-runtime, such that an eventual upgrade is simpler to perform, i.e., only the runtime needs to be upgraded whereas the client can remain the same. Hence, all modules revolving around aura have been included, which provide data the client needs.

Upgrade procedure

Prepare a local shell network and generate the integritee-runtime wasm blob, which contains the upgraded runtime to be executed after the runtime upgrade.

# spawn local setup (NOTE: the shell-runtime parachain id needs to be changed to match the integritee-runtime's.)
zombienet-linux-x64 spawn --provider native zombienet/rococo-local-with-shell.toml

# generate wasm blob
 ./target/release/integritee-collator export-genesis-wasm --chain integritee-rococo-local-dev > integritee-rococo-local-dev.wasm

After the parachain starts producing blocks, a runtime upgrade can be initiated via the polkadot-js/apps interface.


If successful, a parachainSystem.validationFunctionStored event is thrown followed by a parachainSystem.validationFunctionApplied event some blocks later. After this procedure, the Teerex module should be available in the extrinsics tab in polkadot-js/apps.



The current weights have been benchmarked with the following reference hardware:

The benchmarks are run with the following script:


state migrations try-runtime

cargo build --release --features try-runtime
try-runtime --runtime ./target/release/wbuild/integritee-runtime/integritee_runtime.compact.compressed.wasm on-runtime-upgrade --checks=pre-and-post live --uri wss://kusama.api.integritee.network:443

testing with chopsticks

To test runtime upgrades

nvm use 20
npx @acala-network/chopsticks@latest --config integritee-kusama  --wasm-override ./target/release/wbuild/integritee-runtime/integritee_runtime.compact.compressed.wasm

to test XCM

npx @acala-network/chopsticks@latest xcm --p=karura --p=integritee-kusama

see other options in chopsticks help

More Resources