

Fast Neural Kernel Embeddings for General Activations


Clone the package:

git clone https://github.com/insuhan/ntk_activations.git
cd ntk_activations 
pip install -e .


To run dual kernel approximations with Hermite expansion for GeLU activation:

python examples/dual_kernel_approx.py --act gelu

For other activations such as relu, sin, gaussian, erf, abs, please replace the argument gelu with the other one (e.g., --act erf).

To run convolutional NTK (CNTK) sketch algorithm for regression with CIFAR-10 dataset:

python examples/myrtle5_cntk_regression.py

This approximates CNTK of depth-5 convolutional neural networks (a.k.a. Myrtle-5) by sketching algorithms where dual kernel of its activation corresponds to the normalized Gaussian kernel. A scaling factor of the normalized Gaussian kernel is changed with argument, e.g., --normgauss_a 0.5 (default is 1). All modules for NTK features are based on neural_tangents (see ntk_activations/stax_extensions_features.py) and sketching algorithms are implemented in ntk_activations/sketching.py.