

Discord Channel

F-Zero X

This is a WIP Matching Decompilation for F-Zero X.

It currently builds the following ROM:

This repo does not include any assets or assembly code necessary for compiling the ROM. A prior copy of the game is required to extract the required assets.


1. Install build dependencies


For Windows 10, install WSL and a distribution by following this Windows Subsystem for Linux Installation Guide. We recommend using Debian or Ubuntu 22.04 Linux distributions.

Linux (Native or under WSL / VM)

The build process has the following package requirements:

Under Debian / Ubuntu (which we recommend using), you can install them with the following commands:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install make cmake git build-essential binutils-mips-linux-gnu python3 python3-pip clang-format-14 clang-tidy


Install Homebrew and the following dependencies:

brew update
brew install coreutils make pkg-config tehzz/n64-dev/mips64-elf-binutils

2. Clone the repository

Create your own fork of the repository at https://github.com/inspectredc/fzerox. Then clone your fork where you wish to have the project, with the command:

git clone https://github.com/<YOUR_USERNAME>/fzerox.git

This will copy the GitHub repository contents into a new folder in the current directory called fzerox. Change into this directory before doing anything else:

cd fzerox

3. Install python dependencies

The build process has a few python packages required that are located in /tools/requirements-python.txt.

To install them simply run in a terminal:

python3 -m pip install -r ./tools/requirements-python.txt

4. Update submodules & build toolchain

git submodule update --init --recursive
make toolchain

5. Prepare a base ROM

Copy your ROM to the root of this new project directory, and rename the file of the baserom to reflect the version of ROM you are using. ex: baserom.us.rev0.z64

6. Make and Build the ROM

To start the extraction/build process, run the following command:

make init

This will create the build folders, a new folder with the assembly as well as containing the disassembly of nearly all the files containing code.

this make target will also build the ROM. If all goes well, a new ROM called "fzerox.us.rev0.z64" should be built and the following text should be printed:

Calculating Rom Header Checksum... build/fzerox.us.rev0.z64
fzerox.us.rev0.z64: OK

If you instead see the following:

Calculating Rom Header Checksum... build/fzerox.us.rev0.z64
fzerox.us.rev0.z64 FAILED

This means that something is wrong with the ROM's contents. Either the base files are incorrect due to a bad ROM, or some of the code is not matching.

From now on you should be able to build the rom by running make.