is a command line tool that lets you manage the system sound level on Windows.
Download a release from the releases page or build from source.
Build Requirements
- Rust toolchain: at least v1.65
- You also need to have a Windows target installed for Rust; e.g.
. The default installation of Rustup on a Windows machine will come with an appropriate target.
Build Instructions
After downloading the project's source tree, run cargo build --release
inside the folder. The executable will be written to target/release/wol.exe
You can move the executable to any location you want.
# See current levels
# Set the default output device's master volume to 50%
wol 50
# Set the left channel volume of the default output to 75%
wol l75
# Increase master volume by 10
wol +10
# Decrease master volume by 10
wol -10
# Increase left channel volume by 15
wol l+15
# Make left and right channels equal
wol l=r
# Set levels for left and right channels in one command
wol l90 r100
# Set the 4th channel's volume to 25%
wol 4=25
# Set all channels to 50%
wol a50
# Decrease all channels by 10
wol a-10
# Set channel 3 to have the same level as master
wol 3=m
# Set channel 0 (left) to have the same level as channel 5
wol 0=c5
# Set the master level of a specific audio output
wol --device speakers 42
# See the available devices
wol --list
# Read the help message
wol --help