


A powershell module to open local rust documentation.


Open-RustDoc sync::mpsc::channel
# `rdocs` is an alias to Open-RustDoc
rdocs collections::HashMap

Tab Completion

Most of the effort in writing the module went to providing excellent tab completions, as a result even double-star glob patterns will complete efficiently and exactly.

You can press tab to complete a partial path:

os::wi<tab> will complete to os::windows.

You can provide the type beforehand, so that you don't get completions for structs when you're looking for an enum etc:

rdocs -kind enum io::<tab>

You can use wildcards to match an arbitrary item:

Rest of the patterns are the same as Powershell's.


Powershell 5.0 or above and rustup which you should already have.


Via Scoop (recommended)

First add my bucket to scoop:

scoop bucket add insomnia https://github.com/insomnimus/scoop-bucket

Update scoop:

scoop update

Install the module:

scoop install ps-rust-docs

Download From Releases

Download and extract rust-docs.zip from releases into your PS module directory.

Clone and Install Manually

# Clone the repository.
git clone https://github.com/insomnimus/ps-rust-docs
$module = get-item ./ps-rust-docs/src
$modulesPath = join-path (split-path "$profile") "Modules"
copy-item -recurse $module "$modulesPath/rust-docs"

import-module rust-docs