


A command line MIDI player with an embedded synthesizer.


Windows: With Scoop

First add my bucket to scoop:
scoop bucket add insomnia https://github.com/insomnimus/scoop-bucket

Update scoop:
scoop update

Install the app:
scoop install plmidi

Download a pre-built release binary

Grab a binary for your platform from the releases page.

BYOB: Build Your Own Binary

Feature Flags

You need an up to date rust toolchain installed.

On *NIX systems, you also need alsa development libraries:

# Debian and derivatives
apt install libasound2-dev

# RHEL and derivatives
dnf install alsa-lib-devel

To use the jack backend, you also need jack development libraries:

# Debian and derivatives
apt install libjack-jackd2-dev
# RHEL and derivatives
dnf install jack-audio-connection-kit-devel

You can install from crates.io: cargo install plmidi --features system

Or, you can clone it:

# to install after a git clone
git clone https://github.com/insomnimus/plmidi
cd plmidi
git checkout main
cargo install --path .
# To enable the system apis via the `jack` backend:
cargo install --path . --features system-jack
# To disable built-in fluidsynth support:
cargo install --path . --features system --no-default-features
