

Docusaurus Plugin Zooming

This plugin uses the Zooming library to allow for zoom in/out on images in your documentation.


npm install docusaurus-plugin-zooming


Update docusaurus.config.js to enable the plugin and include its default configuration:

  const config = {
    // ...other config
    plugins: [
      // ...other plugins
    themeConfig: {
      // ...other themeConfig
      zooming: {
        selector: '.markdown img',
        delay: 500,
        background: {
          light: 'rgba(101,108,133,0.8)',
          dark: 'rgba(9,10,17,0.8)'
        options: {
          // See the docs of zooming for all available options: https://github.com/francoischalifour/medium-zoom#usage
  module.exports = config;


This plugin allows you to configure the following options:

OptionDescriptionDefault Value
selector(optional) The selector for zoomable image elements..markdown img
delay(optional) Make imgaes zoomable with delay after entering a page500
background(optional) The background color to use for the zoomed image.{ light: 'rgb(255, 255, 255, 0.9)', dark: 'rgb(50, 50, 50, 0.9)' }
options(optional) The configuration object to pass to zooming.{}

Example usage in docusaurus.config.js:

  themeConfig: {
    zooming: {
      selector: '.markdown :not(em) > img',
      delay: 500,
      background: {
        light: 'rgba(101,108,133,0.8)',
        dark: 'rgba(9,10,17,0.8)'
      options: {
        enableGrab: false,
        // See the docs of zooming for all available options: https://github.com/francoischalifour/medium-zoom#usage