


Specialized privilege escalation checks for Linux systems.

Implemented so far:

These checks are based on things I encounter during my own research, and this tool is certainly not inclusive of everything you should be looking at. Don't skip the classics!


All functionality is contained in a single file, because installing packages in restricted shells is a pain. Python2 compatibility will be maintained for those crap old boxes we get stuck with. However, as the checks are really aimed at more modern user-space stuff, it is unlikely to uncover anything interesting on an old box anyway.

There is nothing to install, just grab the script and run it.

usage: uptux.py [-h] [-n] [-d]

PrivEsc for modern Linux systems, by initstring (github.com/initstring)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -n, --nologging  do not write the output to a logfile
  -d, --debug      print some extra debugging info to the console


For testing purposes, you can run the tests/r00tme.sh script, which will create many vulnerable configuration issues on your system that uptux can identify. Running tests/unr00tme.sh will undo these changes, but don't hold me to it. Needless to say, this is dangerous.

Use a VM for testing this way.