

Network Structure

UWGAN for generating realistic underwater images

UWGAN takes color image and its depth map as input, then it synthesizes underwater realistic images based on underwater optical imaging model by learning parameters through generative adversarial training. You can find more details in the paper.

UWGAN structure

Synthetic underwater-style images through UWGAN. (a) are in-air sample images, (b)-(d) are synthetic underwater-style sample images of different water types.

Synthetic underwater-style images

Underwater image restoration based on UNet

Proposed U-net Architecture for underwater image restoration and enhancement. The effects of different loss functions in U-net are compared, the most suitable loss function for underwater image restoration is suggested based on the comparison, you can find more details about loss function in paper.

UNet structure


Download data:

  1. In-air RGBD data: NYU Depth Dataset V1, NYU Depth Dataset V2

  2. Underwater images: [Baidu Cloud Link] [Google Drive]

  3. UIEB Dataset for verification: [github link]

  4. The NYU datasets we used to train UWGAN: [Baidu Cloud Link] [Google Drive]

  5. fake water images generated from UWGAN: [Google Drive]

  6. pretrained model:[Google Drive]

Data directory structure in UWGAN

├── ...
├── data                    
│   ├── air_images
│   │   └── *.png
│   ├── air_depth  
│   │   └── *.mat
│   └── water_images 
│       └── *.jpg
└── ...


Results and Discussion

public dataset enhancement our dataset enhancement

underwater target detection


If you find this work useful for your research, please cite this article in your publications.

    title={UWGAN: Underwater GAN for Real-world Underwater Color Restoration and Dehazing},
    author={Nan Wang and Yabin Zhou and Fenglei Han and Haitao Zhu and Yaojing Zheng},