


Infoblox IPAM Driver for CNI

cni-infoblox is an IPAM driver for CNI that interfaces with Infoblox to provide IP Address Management service. CNI is the generic plugin-based networking layer for supporting container runtime environments.

For a detailed description of the driver, including a step by step deployment example, refer to the community blog on the Infoblox website: CNI Networking and IPAM.


To use the plugin, you need access to the Infoblox DDI product. For evaluation purposes, you can download a virtual version of the product from the Infoblox Download Center and you can also assign temp license by login into the Infoblox DDI appliance console with this command set temp_license. Alternatively, if you are an existing Infoblox customer, you can download it from the support site.

Refer to CONFIG.md for details on vNIOS configuration.

Permission         Type	Resource	                            Resource Type        permission
[DHCP]	           All IPv4 DHCP Fixed Addresses/Reservations  IPv4 DHCP fixed address   RW
[DNS, DHCP, IPAM]  All Hosts                                   Host                      RW
[DHCP, DNS, IPAM]  All IPv4 Host Addresses                     IPv4 Host address         RW
[GRID]	           All Membes                                  Member                    RW
[DHCP, IPAM]       All IPv4 Networks                           IPv4 Network              RW
[DHCP, IPAM]       All Network Views                           Network view              RW
[CLOUD]	           All Tenants                                 Tenant                    RW
[DNS]	           All DNS Views                               DNS View                  RW

Configuring Supported container runtimes

Refer to the following links to configure each container runtime to use infoblox cni plugin:




If you get a message Cloud Network Automation License not available or Infoblox WAPI user not having sufficient permissions. in the cni-infoblox-daemon log then you have to check for the "Cloud Network Automation License" has applied and also check for sufficient permissions for the "Infoblox WAPI User" as given in the prerequisite.