

INFINI Gateway -

🎉🎉🎉🎉 Congratulations! You’ve found the ultimate gateway solution for Elasticsearch or OpenSearch! 🔥🔥🔥🔥

INFINI Gateway is a high performance gateway for Elasticsearch or OpenSearch. It offers a broad range of features and is easy to use. INFINI Gateway works in the same way as a common reverse proxy. It is usually deployed in front of clusters. All requests are sent to the gateway instead of server, and then the gateway forwards the requests to the back-end clusters. The gateway is deployed between the client and Elasticsearch or OpenSearch. Therefore, the gateway can be configured to perform index-level traffic control and throttling, cache acceleration for common queries, query request audit, and dynamic modification of query results.

Report Bug and Issues

Head straight to https://github.com/infinilabs/gateway/issues for a list of all issues or click Issues in the navigation bar on the almost-top.

Use Github's reactions feature to vote on issues. Simple "+1" comments with no further content will be deleted without notice.

Before creating a new issue

Filing a bug

  1. Start with a descriptive but concise subject that quickly and uniquely identifies the problem.

We won't slaughter you if you can't fulfill all of these steps, but prepare to answer a few questions if we think we're lacking information.

If you want to be really good at reporting bugs, you can also read these guidelines for bugzilla bugs.

Filing an enhancement or a feature request

  1. Start with a descriptive but concise subject that quickly and uniquely identifies the issue.

Note: "enhancements" are modifications to existing behavior as opposed to something entirely new.

To learn more about INFINI Gateway, please visit: http://docs.infinilabs.com/gateway/


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