

IXP Asymmetric Routing Detector

A tool to detect asymmetric routing over IXPs using bi-directional traceroutes from RIPE Atlas probes.

Live version: https://www.inex.ie/ard/

This is a project of the RIPE Atlas Interface Hackaton just prior to RIPE72 in Copenhagen, Denmark.


The team at the RIPE hackathon also included:

JSON Access

We've made the main elements accessible via JSON for API use:

  1. JSON object of data used to create a request: /json

  2. Submit a request by GET to: /request/{ixp_id}/{network_id}/{protocol}/json

  3. Results: /result/{key}/json

Mode of Operation

The application is mostly async with the frontend requests just storing rows in the database and replying. The cron schedule below essentially calls the following artisan commands (and most can take a verbiosity parameter: -v):


This is the fruit of a hackaton! Expect bugs, non-defensive programming, databases definitely harmed.


This project uses the standard PHP stack and requires PHP >= 5.6, MySQL/MariaDB, composer.

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/inex/ixp-as.git /srv/ard
  2. Install dependancies:

    cd /srv/ard
    composer install
    bower install
  3. Create a database:

    mysql -u root
    GRANT ALL ON ard.* TO ard@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'secret'
  4. Copy the base config:

    cp .env.example .env
  5. Create an application key (Laravel requires this):

    php artisan key:generate
  6. Edit .env and set: the DB_ parameters and add your RIPE Atlas API keys for creating and stopping measurements.

  7. Create the database schema:

    php artisan doctrine:schema:create
  8. Add IXPs to config/ixps.php:

    cp config/ixps.php.dist config/ixps.php
    edit config/ixps.php
  9. Add the following to cron:

    * * * * * www-data cd /srv/ard && /usr/bin/php artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1
  10. Test it locally:

php artisan serve


This application is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.