

<div align="center"> <img src="assets/images/zer0.png" height="128"> <h1 align="center">zer0 - Minimal Expense Manager</h1> </div>

Zero is a lightweight, open-source Android application designed to empower users to effortlessly manage their expenses while prioritizing privacy. With a minimalistic user interface, dark and light themes, and a commitment to keeping user data entirely on their devices, Zero ensures a seamless and secure expense tracking experience.

Screen Shots

<div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row; flex-wrap: wrap; align-items: center; justify-content: center;"> <img src="assets/screenshots/zero_home_screen_dark.png" width="200"/> <img src="assets/screenshots/zero_home_screen_light.png" width="200"/> <img src="assets/screenshots/zero_report_screen_dark.png" width="200"/> <img src="assets/screenshots/zero_report_screen_light.png" width="200"/> <img src="assets/screenshots/zero_debts_screen_dark.png" width="200"/> <img src="assets/screenshots/zero_debts_screen_light.png" width="200"/> <img src="assets/screenshots/zero_settings_screen_dark.png" width="200"/> <img src="assets/screenshots/zero_settings_screen_light.png" width="200"/> <img src="assets/screenshots/zero_categories_screen_dark.png" width="200"/> <img src="assets/screenshots/zero_categories_screen_light.png" width="200"/> </div>


1. Account Creation

2. Expense Tracking

3. Category Modification

4. View Insights

5. Borrowings or Lendings

6. Settings

7. Privacy

Folder Structure

The project's folder structure is organized as follows:

Getting Started with the code

To use zer0, simply download the app from the playstore and use it.


Follow these steps to run the FoodTechApp project locally:

  1. Download and install Node.js from the official website: Node.js Download

  2. Open a terminal window on your machine.

  3. Navigate to the directory where you want to store the project.

  4. Run the command:

    git clone https://github.com/indranilbhuin/zero.git
  5. Wait for Git to clone the repository to your machine.

  6. Once the cloning process is complete, navigate to the project's root directory:

    cd zero
  7. Run the command to install all required dependencies:

    yarn install
  8. Make sure you have a simulator or a device set up for running the app. You can use Android Studio or Xcode to set up an emulator or connect a physical device.