

iWF project - main & server repo

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iWF will make you a 10x developer!

iWF is an API orchestration platform for building resilient, fault-tolerant, scalable long-running applications. It offers an orchestration coding framework with abstractions for durable timers, async/background execution with backoff retry, KV storage, RPC, and message queues. You will build long-running reliable processes faster than ever.

What is iWF

Use case study/examples

Basic concepts

Advanced concepts

How to use

As a coding framework, iWF provides three SDKs to use with:

The iWF SDKs required to run with the server:

Using all-in-one docker image

Run the docker command to start the container for:

docker run -p 8801:8801 -p 7233:7233 -p 8233:8233 -e AUTO_FIX_WORKER_URL=host.docker.internal --add-host host.docker.internal:host-gateway -it iworkflowio/iwf-server-lite:latest

To update the server version, use docker pull iworkflowio/iwf-server-lite:latest to get the latest image. Or change latest to specify a version tag.

Using docker image & docker-compose

This is the simpler(preferred) option to run the server locally for development.

Checkout this repo, go to the docker-compose folder and run it:

cd docker-compose && docker-compose up

This by default will run Temporal server with it, again:

To update the server version, use docker pull iworkflowio/iwf-server:latest to get the latest image. Or update the docker-compose file to specify a version tag.

How to build & run locally


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