

Conan dependency building

Contains all configuration files for building IncludeOS dependencies. The build jobs in this repository are for 3rd party external dependencies in use by IncludeOS. They are uploaded as stable packages to includeos repository on bintray.

Creating/adding new build jobs

To create a new build job: Place a Jenkinsfile and a conanfile.py in the correct directory structure. The Jenkinsfile should contain:

Job build Workflow

  1. Root Jenkinsfile: JobDSL to create 1 Unique build job pr dependency.
  2. Each dependency needs to have a Jenkinsfile and a conanfile.py
  3. Root Jenkinsfile: Scans the includeos/conan repo for all Jenkinsfiles excluding itself.

Any changes made to the Jenkinsfile requires the seed-job to be run and the scripts accepted by the admin before the jobs are built.

Dependency Workflow

The job pipeline for each dependency contains 2 stages:

The jobs require a number of parameters;

The Build step is capable of building a number of packages in parallel depending on the instance handling the builds.

The Upload step uploads the packages if the build step for all the packages specified is successful. The packages are uploaded to the includeos repository on bintray.

Note: For parameters marked with a [*], these settings are included in the Profiles, entering them via Jenkins job overwrites the profiles default values. Please have a look at the settings in the profile for build compatibility before attempting to change settings.