

<!-- [![DDPM inversion](https://img.shields.io/badge/single%20image-generative%20model-yellow)](https://github.com/topics/single-image-generation) -->

Python 3.8 torch

DDPM inversion, CVPR 2024

Project page | Arxiv | Supplementary materials | Hugging Face Demo

Official pytorch implementation of the paper: <br>"An Edit Friendly DDPM Noise Space: Inversion and Manipulations"

Inbar Huberman-Spiegelglas, Vladimir Kulikov and Tomer Michaeli


Our inversion can be used for text-based editing of real images, either by itself or in combination with other editing methods. Due to the stochastic nature of our method, we can generate diverse outputs, a feature that is not naturally available with methods relying on the DDIM inversion.

In this repository we support editing using our inversion, prompt-to-prompt (p2p)+our inversion, ddim or p2p (with ddim inversion).<br> our inversion: our ddpm inversion followed by generating an image conditioned on the target prompt.

prompt-to-prompt (p2p) + our inversion: p2p method using our ddpm inversion.

ddim: ddim inversion followed by generating an image conditioned on the target prompt.

p2p: p2p method using ddim inversion (original paper).

Table of Contents


python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

This code was tested with python 3.8 and torch 2.0.0.

Repository Structure

├── ddm_inversion - folder contains inversions in order to work on real images: ddim inversion as well as ddpm inversion (our method).
├── example_images - folder of input images to be edited
├── imgs - images used in this repository readme.md file
├── prompt_to_prompt - p2p code
├── main_run.py - main python file for real image editing
└── test.yaml - yaml file contains images and prompts to test on

A folder named 'results' will be automatically created and all the results will be saved to this folder. We also add a timestamp to the saved images in this folder.

Algorithm Inputs and Parameters

Method's inputs:

init_img - the path to the input images
source_prompt - a prompt describing the input image
target_prompts - the edit prompt (creates several images if multiple prompts are given)

These three inputs are supplied through a YAML file (please use the provided 'test.yaml' file as a reference).

<br> Method's parameters are:
skip - controlling the adherence to the input image
cfg_tar - classifier free guidance strengths

These two parameters have default values, as descibed in the paper.

Usage Example

python3 main_run.py --mode="our_inv" --dataset_yaml="test.yaml" --skip=36 --cfg_tar=15 
python3 main_run.py --mode="p2pinv" --dataset_yaml="test.yaml" --skip=12 --cfg_tar=9 

The mode argument can also be: ddim or p2p.

In our_inv and p2pinv modes we suggest to play around with skip in the range [0,40] and cfg_tar in the range [7,18].

p2pinv and p2p: Note that you can play with the cross-and self-attention via --xa and --sa arguments. We suggest to set them to (0.6,0.2) and (0.8,0.4) for p2pinv and p2p respectively.

ddim and p2p: skip is overwritten to be 0.

<!-- ## Create Your Own Editing with Our Method (1) Add your image to /example_images. <br> (2) Run ``main_run.py --mode="our_inv"``, choose ``skip`` and ``cfg_tar``. <br> Example: ``` python3 main_run.py --skip=20 --cfg_tar=10 --img_name=gnochi_mirror --cfg_src='a cat is sitting next to a mirror' --cfg_tar='a drawing of a cat sitting next to a mirror' ``` -->

You can edit the test.yaml file to load your image and choose the desired prompts.

<!-- ## Sources The DDPM code was adapted from the following [pytorch implementation of DDPM](https://github.com/lucidrains/denoising-diffusion-pytorch). The modified CLIP model as well as most of the code in `./text2live_util/` directory was taken from the [official Text2live repository](https://github.com/omerbt/Text2LIVE). -->


If you use this code for your research, please cite our paper:

  title={An edit friendly {DDPM} noise space: Inversion and manipulations},
  author={Huberman-Spiegelglas, Inbar and Kulikov, Vladimir and Michaeli, Tomer},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},