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This is a work in progress. There's also an article about sumo_db. This articles might be a little outdated by now, but can still provide some basic information on how to get started.

sumo_db aims to ease db access for erlang applications. It offers a very simple persistance layer capable of interacting with different db's, while offering a consistent api to your code.

Contact Us

If you find any bugs or have a problem while using this library, please open an issue in this repo (or a pull request :)).


Backends, Stores and Repositories modules

These three concepts have a specific meaning in the context of sumo_db.

Supported Backends/Adapters

Implementing an Adapter

To implement an adapter, you must implement two specific behaviours:

You can check the implemented adapters mentioned above in order to have a better idea about how to build a custom adapter from scratch.


Sumo dispatches events when things happen. An Event has this structure:

{EventId, Model, Event, Args}

Supported types of events:

Sumo requires users to add their own gen_event's in order to handle those events. In order to add them Users have to configure sumo properly. In the config file we can add them like this under sumo_db configuration:

{events, [
   {'_', sumo_test_people_events_manager},
   {people, sumo_test_people_events_manager}

Sumo allows us to add a gen_event to one type of model (i.e. people) or for all ('_').


This feature is inspired by Elixir Ecto.Changeset, and the module that implements this feature is sumo_changeset.

Changeset Usage Example

NOTE: This example uses FancyFlow in order to pipe changeset functions in a nicer way.

%% suppose you have a model/doc `person`, and that module provides a function
%% to encapsulate model/doc creation
Person = person:new(<<"John">>, <<"Doe">>),

%% create the set of params/changes
Params = #{age => 33, id => 1, <<"last_name">> => <<"other">>},

%% run the changeset
Changeset = [pipe](people,
  sumo_changeset:cast(_, Person, Params, [id, first_name, last_name, age, status]),
  sumo_changeset:validate_required(_, [id, last_name, status]),
  sumo_changeset:validate_inclusion(_, status, [<<"active">>, <<"blocked">>]),
  sumo_changeset:validate_number(_, age, [{less_than_or_equal_to, 18}]),
  sumo_changeset:validate_length(_, last_name, [{min, 3}]),
  sumo_changeset:validate_format(_, last_name, <<"^[a-zA-Z]">>)),


See: examples/blog for a full example. To run it, while being in the top level directory:

make all blog

See: examples/custom_store for creating your own Store. To run it, follow the instructions in this README

Running Dialyzer

$ rebar3 dialyzer

Running Tests

$ rebar3 ct

Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in the CHANGELOG.md.


We want to thank all of our contributors for their hard work :muscle:.