

ECS deploy

ECS Deploy is a REST API server written in Go that can be used to deploy services on ECS from anywhere. It typically is executed as part of your deployment pipeline. Continuous Integration software (like Jenkins, CircleCI, Bitbucket or others) often don't have proper integration with ECS. This API server can be deployed on ECS and will be used to provide continuous deployment on ECS.

The UI

<p align="center"> <a href="https://d3jb1lt6v0nddd.cloudfront.net/ecs-deploy/ecs-deploy-ui.gif"> <img src="https://d3jb1lt6v0nddd.cloudfront.net/ecs-deploy/ecs-deploy-ui.gif" /> </a> </p>



You can download ecs-deploy and ecs-client from the releases page or you can use the image from dockerhub.

Bootstrap ECS cluster

You can bootstrap a new ECS cluster using the ecs-deploy binary. Make sure to have downloaded the ecs-deploy and ecs-client binary for your operating system at the releases page.

The bootstrap command will create an autoscaling group, an Application Load Balancer, an IAM role for the ECS EC2 instances, and the ECS cluster itself.

Create an SSH key for the EC2 instance using for example the following command:

ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/mykey

Then run ecs-deploy with the bootstrap option. To see all the flags, use ./ecs-deploy -h

./ecs-deploy --bootstrap \
  --ecs-subnets subnet-123456 \
  --ecs-vpc-id vpc-123456 \
  --cloudwatch-logs-enabled \
  --cloudwatch-logs-prefix mycluster \
  --cluster-name mycluster \
  --ecs-desired-size 1 \
  --ecs-max-size 1 \
  --ecs-min-size 1 \
  --environment staging \
  --instance-type t2.micro \
  --key-name mykey \
  --loadbalancer-domain ecs-deploy.in4it.io \
  --paramstore-enabled \
  --paramstore-prefix mycluster \
  --profile your-aws-profile \
  --region your-aws-region

If you want to delete the cluster, you can run the same command with specifying --delete-cluster:

./ecs-deploy --delete-cluster mycluster \
  --profile your-aws-profile \
  --region your-aws-region

Bootstrap with terraform

Alternatively you can use terraform to deploy the ecs cluster. See terraform/README.md for a terraform module that spins up an ecs cluster.

Deploy a service with ECS Cluster

To deploy the examples (an nginx server and a echoserver), use ecs-client:

Login interactively:

./ecs-client login --url http://yourdomain/ecs-deploy

Login with environment variables:

ECS_DEPLOY_LOGIN=deploy ECS_DEPLOY_PASSWORD=password ./ecs-client login --url http://yourdomain/ecs-deploy


./ecs-client deploy -f examples/services/multiple-services/multiple-services.yaml

Configuration (Environment variables)

The environment variables are read from the parameter store. It is enabled with the --paramstore-enabled flag during the bootstrap.

AWS Specific variables:

Authentication variables;

Service specific variables

These will be used when deploying services

DynamoDB specific variables



SAML can be enabled using the following environment variables

To create a new key and certificate, the following openssl command can be used:

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout myservice.key -out myservice.cert -days 3650 -nodes -subj "/CN=myservice.mycompany.com"

Web UI

Autoscaling (down and up)




The defaults are set for the most common use cases, but can be changed by setting environment variables:

Environment variableDefault valueDescription
PARAMSTORE_ENABLEDnoUse "yes" to enable the parameter store.
PARAMSTORE_PREFIX""Prefix to use for the parameter store. mycompany will result in /mycompany/servicename/variable
PARAMSTORE_KMS_ARN""Specify a KMS ARN to encrypt/decrypt variables
PARAMSTORE_INJECTnoUse "Yes" to enable injection of secrets into the task definition
AUTOSCALING_STRATEGIESLargestContainerUp,LargestContainerDownList of autoscaling strategies to apply. See below for different types
AUTOSCALING_DOWN_STRATEGYgracefullyOnly gracefully supported now (uses interval and period before executing the scaling down operation)
AUTOSCALING_UP_STRATEGYimmediatelyScale up strategy (immediatey, gracefully)
AUTOSCALING_DOWN_COOLDOWN5Cooldown period after scaling down
AUTOSCALING_DOWN_INTERVAL60Seconds between intervals to check resource usage before scaling, after a scaling down operation is detected
AUTOSCALING_DOWN_PERIOD5Periods to check before scaling
AUTOSCALING_UP_COOLDOWN5Cooldown period after scaling up
AUTOSCALING_UP_INTERVAL60Seconds between intervals to check resource usage before scaling, after a scaling up operation is detected
AUTOSCALING_UP_PERIOD5Periods to check before scaling
SERVICE_DISCOVERY_TTL60TTL for service discovery records
SERVICE_DISCOVERY_FAILURETHRESHOLD3Failure threshold for service discovery records
AWS_RESOURCE_CREATION_ENABLEDyesLet ecs-deploy create AWS IAM resources for you
SLACK_WEBHOOKS""Comma seperated Slack webhooks, optionally with a channel (format: url1:#channel,url2:#channel)
SLACK_USERNAMEecs-deploySlack username
ECS_TASK_ROLE_PERMISSION_BOUNDARY_ARN""permission boundary for ecs task roles
ECR_SCAN_ON_PUSHfalseEnable ECR image scanning
DEPLOY_MAX_WAIT_SECONDS900wait 15 minutes for a deployment to complete

Autoscaling Strategies

LargestContainerUpScale when the largest container (+buffer) in the cluster cannot be scheduled anymore on a node
LargestContainerDownScale down when there is enough capacity to schedule the largest container (buffer) after a node is removed
PollingPoll all services every minute to check if a task can't be scheduled due to resource constraints (10 services per api call, only 1 call per second)