


Code for CVPR 2021 Submission of our paper 'Depth Completion with Twin Surface Extrapolation at Occlusion Boundaries' available at paper.


The following is a teaser result of our proposed algorithm: Image Fig.1: Overview of TWISE. The figure describes how our depth completion algorithm can input LiDAR data and image (a), and extrapolate the estimates of foreground depth $d_1$ (b) and background depth $d_2$ (c), along with a weight $\sigma$ (e). Fusing all three leads to the completed depth (d). The foreground-background depth difference (f) $d_2-d_1$ is small except at depth discontinuities.


We built our framework on Pytorch 1.3 and CUDA 10.1 in Ubuntu 18.1 and python 3.6. In terminal, the steps are:

  1. conda create -n pytorch1.3_twise python=3.6
  2. source activate pytorch1.3_twise
  3. conda install pytorch==1.3.0 torchvision==0.4.1 cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch


We will release our training code soon. Stay tuned!

PreTrained Model

Our best pre-trained model on KITTI is obtained with Multi-Stack HourGlass Network. Our best pre-trained model can be obtained from here


We also provide an evaluation script to evaluate the model on 1000 validation images of KITTI. Download the selected images folder from [KITTI's website] (http://www.cvlibs.net/datasets/kitti/eval_depth.php?benchmark=depth_completion) and extract it in Data folder. The Data folder should look like this:


To evaluate the model, just extract the model provided in tar.gz format in the pretrained_models dir and in Codes directory, run:

python evaluate.py --data-folder datapath_dir

where datapath_dir is the folder where Data directory is. It evaluates the model based the metrics MAE, RMSE, TMAE, TRMSE etc.

Virtual KITTI

Modelling outliers with Semi-Dense GT

VKITTI Sparse LidarKITTI 64R Lidar Sparse
Figure 2. Comparison of VKITTI Data vs KITTI Data

We subsample the dense GT depth in azimuth-elevation space to simulate LiDAR-like pattern as sparse inputs (See Figure 2 (a)). Further, we created semi-dense VKITTI to simulate outlier noise similar to that existing in real KITTI dataset (See Figure 2 (b)). We follow the similar procedure as followed by Uhrig et al when creating semi-dense GT. Refer to Fig.2 for a comparison between semi-dense VKITTI and semi-dense KITTI.

The VKITTI directory structure is in the following format:


The VKITTI sampled data can be found from this link.

Correction to our main CVPR paper

There is a correction of Equation 8 of our CVPR paper. The corrected equation is given below:

L(c1, c2, c3) = \sum_{i=1}^{N}(ALE_{\gamma}(c_{1i}) + RALE_{\gamma}{c_{2i}} + F(s(c_{3i}))) where c1 -> hat{d_1}, c2 -> hat{d_2}, and s(c3) is the sigmoid that -> \sigma respectively. We have made the correction in the arxiv version of the paper.


If you use our method and code in your work, please cite the following:

@inproceedings{ depth-completion-with-twin-surface-extrapolation-at-occlusion-boundaries, author = { Saif Imran and Xiaoming Liu and Daniel Morris }, title = { Depth Completion with Twin-Surface Extrapolation at Occlusion Boundaries }, booktitle = { In Proceeding of IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition }, address = { Nashville, TN }, month = { June }, year = { 2021 }, }