



A big data cluster management tool that creates and manages clusters of different technologies. It provides visual, graphical, and email notifications regarding the health of a Cluster that allow Cluster Administrators to take informed actions.

Supported OS


The software prerequisites are as follow:

Getting Started

How to install

The guide will help you to setup and start the server.

Check out source code from git repo.

git clone https://github.com/impetus-opensource/ankush.git

Or you can download source from https://github.com/impetus-opensource/ankush/archive/master.zip and extract it.

Change directory to the repository folder.

Build package

mvn package

You will get package at target/ankush-x.y.z.tar.gz. Copy the package to the location where you want to deploy.

Extract package

tar -xvf ankush-x.y.z.tar.gz

How to use

Start Ankush


You can access server with credentials admin:admin at http://<your IP>:8080/ankush

Stop Ankush
