IdentityServer3.Contrib.Cache.Redis is a library that offers the right implementation of
for all distributed environments that are using Redis as cache server.
##How to install it
PM> Install-Package IdentityServer3.Contrib.Cache.Redis
Than register it on your Identity Server
var clientStoreCache = new ClientStoreCache(myRedisMultiplexInstance);
var scopeStoreCache = new ScopeStoreCache(myRedisMultiplexInstance);
var userServiceCache = new UserServiceCache(myRedisMultiplexInstance);
factory.ConfigureClientStoreCache(new Registration<ICache<Client>>(clientStoreCache));
factory.ConfigureScopeStoreCache(new Registration<ICache<IEnumerable<Scope>>>(scopeStoreCache));
factory.ConfigureUserServiceCache(new Registration<ICache<IEnumerable<Claim>>>(userServiceCache));
For more information about caching and Identity Server Take a look here
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