


An immediate mode VR GUI library for LÖVR

( For a retained mode UI library check out chui ) lovr-ui How to use:



UI.Button(text, width, height)

textstringbutton's text
width [opt]numberbutton width in pixels
height [opt]numberbutton height in pixels

<span style="color:DeepSkyBlue">Returns:</span> boolean, true when clicked.
NOTE: if no width and/or height are provided, the button size will be auto-calculated based on text. Otherwise, it will be set to width X height (with the text centered) or ignored if that size doesn't fit the text.

UI.ImageButton(img_filename, width, height, text)

img_filenamestringimage filename
widthnumberimage width in pixels
heightnumberimage height in pixels
text [opt]stringoptional text

<span style="color:DeepSkyBlue">Returns:</span> boolean , true when clicked.

UI.WhiteBoard(name, width, height)

namestringwhiteboard ID
widthnumberwidth in pixels
heightnumberheight in pixels

<span style="color:DeepSkyBlue">Returns:</span> Pass, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, number, number, [1] Pass object, [2] clicked, [3] down, [4] released, [5] hovered, [6] X, [7] Y
NOTE: General purpose widget for custom drawing/interaction. The returned Pass can be used to do regular LÖVR draw-commands
like plane, circle, text, etc. X and Y are the local 2D coordinates of the pointer (0,0 is top,left)

UI.TextBox(name, num_visible_chars, buffer)

namestringtextbox ID
num_visible_charsnumbernumber of visible characters
bufferstringuser provided text buffer

<span style="color:DeepSkyBlue">Returns:</span> boolean, boolean, number, string , [1] got focus, [2] buffer changed, [3] ID, [4] modified buffer.
NOTE: When clicked, an on-screen keyboard will pop-up for text entry. Enter closes the keyboard. To modify the original buffer assign the 4th return value back to the original buffer variable. The ID returned can be passed in the helper function UI.SetTextBoxText to set the desired text after validation. (example in main.lua)

UI.ListBox(name, num_visible_rows, num_visible_chars, collection, selected)

namestringlistbox ID
num_visible_rowsnumbernumber of visible rows
num_visible_charsnumbernumber of visible characters on each row
collectiontabletable of strings
selected [opt]number or stringselected item index (in case it's a string, selects the 1st occurence of the item that matches the string)

<span style="color:DeepSkyBlue">Returns:</span> boolean, number, [1] true when clicked, [2] the selected item index

UI.SliderInt(text, v, v_min, v_max, width)

textstringslider text
vnumberinitial value
v_minnumberminimum value
v_maxnumbermaximum value
width [opt]numbertotal width in pixels of the slider, including it's text

<span style="color:DeepSkyBlue">Returns:</span> boolean, number, [1] true when released, [2] the current value
NOTE: Use this idiom to assign back to the provided number variable: slider_released, slider_val = UI.SliderInt("My slider", slider_val, 0, 100) If width is provided, it will be taken into account only if it exceeds the width of text, otherwise it will be ignored.

UI.SliderFloat(text, v, v_min, v_max, width, num_decimals)

textstringslider text
vnumberinitial value
v_minnumberminimum value
v_maxnumbermaximum value
width [opt]numbertotal width in pixels of the slider, including it's text
num_decimals [opt]numbernumber of decimals to display

<span style="color:DeepSkyBlue">Returns:</span> boolean, number, [1] true when released, [2] the current value
NOTE: Use this idiom to assign back to the provided number variable: slider_released, slider_val = UI.SliderFloat("My slider", slider_val, 0, 100) If width is provided, it will be taken into account only if it exceeds the width of text, otherwise it will be ignored. If no num_decimals is provided, it defaults to 2.


textstringlabel text
compact [opt]booleanignore vertical margins

<span style="color:DeepSkyBlue">Returns:</span> nothing

UI.ProgressBar(progress, width)

progressnumberprogress percentage
width [opt]numberwidth in pixels

<span style="color:DeepSkyBlue">Returns:</span> nothing
NOTE: Default width is 300 pixels



<span style="color:DeepSkyBlue">Returns:</span> nothing
NOTE: Horizontal Separator

UI.CheckBox(text, checked)

textstringcheckbox text

<span style="color:DeepSkyBlue">Returns:</span> boolean, true when clicked
NOTE: To set the state use this idiom: if UI.CheckBox("My checkbox", my_state) then my_state = not my_state end

UI.RadioButton(text, checked)

textstringradiobutton text

<span style="color:DeepSkyBlue">Returns:</span> boolean, true when clicked
NOTE: To set the state on a group of RadioButtons use this idiom: if UI.RadioButton("Radio1", rb_group_idx == 1) then rb_group_idx = 1 end if UI.RadioButton("Radio2", rb_group_idx == 2) then rb_group_idx = 2 end -- etc...

UI.TabBar(name, tabs, idx)

namestringTabBar ID
tabstablea table of strings
idxnumberinitial active tab index

<span style="color:DeepSkyBlue">Returns:</span> boolean, number, [1] true when clicked, [2] the selected tab index

UI.Dummy(width, height)


<span style="color:DeepSkyBlue">Returns:</span> nothing
NOTE: This is an invisible widget useful only to "push" other widgets' positions or to leave a desired gap.

UI.Begin(name, transform, is_modal)

namestringwindow ID
transformMat4window transform
is_modal [opt]booleanis this a modal window

<span style="color:DeepSkyBlue">Returns:</span> nothing
NOTE: Starts a new window. Every widget call after this function will belong to this window, until UI.End(main_pass) is called. If this is set as a modal window (by passing true to the last argument) it should always call UI.EndModalWindow before closing it physically. (see example in main.lua)


main_passPassthe main Pass object

<span style="color:DeepSkyBlue">Returns:</span> nothing
NOTE: Ends the current window.



<span style="color:DeepSkyBlue">Returns:</span> nothing
NOTE: Places the next widget beside the last one, instead of bellow


namenumberwindow ID

<span style="color:DeepSkyBlue">Returns:</span> number, number, [1] window width, [2] window height
NOTE: If no window with this ID was found, return type is nil

UI.SetTextBoxText(id, text)

idnumbertextbox ID
textstringtextbox text

<span style="color:DeepSkyBlue">Returns:</span> nothing
NOTE: Helper to set the textbox text after validation.


enabledbooleanif interaction should be enabled

<span style="color:DeepSkyBlue">Returns:</span> nothing
NOTE: Useful if you want to set interaction on/off programmatically, without pressing the toggle button

UI.Init(interaction_toggle_device, interaction_toggle_button, enabled, pointer_rotation)

interaction_toggle_device [opt]Devicecontroller
interaction_toggle_button [opt]DeviceButtoncontroller button that toggles interaction on/off
enabled [opt]booleaninitial state of interaction
pointer_rotation [opt]numberpointer rotation angle (default value is similar to SteamVR/Oculus).

<span style="color:DeepSkyBlue">Returns:</span> nothing
NOTE: Should be called on lovr.load(). Defaults are hand/left, thumbstick, true, math.pi / 3 respectively.

UI.InputInfo(emulated_headset, ray_position, ray_orientation)

emulated_headset [opt]booleanemulated headset
ray_position [opt]Vec3ray position
ray_orientation [opt]Quatray orientation

<span style="color:DeepSkyBlue">Returns:</span> nothing
NOTE: Should be called on lovr.update(). To operate in standard "VR mode" do not pass any arguments. The optional arguments could be passed to emulate the headset with mouse and keyboard. When only the 1st argument is passed, data is captured from the emulated headset directly. When the render pass has a different transform than the headset, then the 2 last arguments should be passed too.


main_passPassthe main Pass object

<span style="color:DeepSkyBlue">Returns:</span> nothing
NOTE: Should be called on lovr.draw(). Windows and widgets should be called after this function, and a UI.RenderFrame(main_pass) finalizes the whole UI.


main_passPassthe main Pass object.

<span style="color:DeepSkyBlue">Returns:</span> table, ui passes
NOTE: During the frame, lovr-ui records its own passes for drawing the various elements but doesn't submit them. Instead, a table of those passes is returned to the user where they can be scheduled to be submitted along with the default pass (See the example near the end of main.lua).



<span style="color:DeepSkyBlue">Returns:</span> table, color names
NOTE: Helper to get the color keys as a table of strings


col_namestringcolor key

<span style="color:DeepSkyBlue">Returns:</span> table, color value
NOTE: Helper to get a color value

UI.SetColor(col_name, color)

col_namestringcolor key
col_namestringcolor value

<span style="color:DeepSkyBlue">Returns:</span> nothing
NOTE: Helper to set a color value. Don't call this every frame because it regenerates the keyboard textures. Use UI.OverrideColor instead.

UI.OverrideColor(col_name, color)

col_namestringcolor key
col_namestringcolor value

<span style="color:DeepSkyBlue">Returns:</span> nothing
NOTE: Helper to override a color value.

UI.SetColorTheme(theme, copy_from)

themestring or tablecolor key or table with overrided keys
copy_from [opt]stringtheme to copy values from

<span style="color:DeepSkyBlue">Returns:</span> nothing
NOTE: Sets a theme to one of the built-in ones ("dark", "light") if the passed argument is a string. Also accepts a table of colors. If the passed table doesn't contain all of the keys, the rest of them will be copied from the built-in theme of the copy_from argument.



<span style="color:DeepSkyBlue">Returns:</span> nothing
NOTE: Closes a modal window

UI.AddKeyboardPack(lower_case, upper_case, symbols)

lower_casetablelower case characters
upper_casetableupper case characters
symbolstablesymbol characters

<span style="color:DeepSkyBlue">Returns:</span> nothing
NOTE: Provides the ability to add a language pack for the on-screen keyboard. The default pack is Latin. Cycling between packs is done by holding the grip button and pressing the trigger on the space key of the on-screen keyboard.



<span style="color:DeepSkyBlue">Returns:</span> number, ui scale NOTE: Helper to get the ui scale


scalenumberui scale

<span style="color:DeepSkyBlue">Returns:</span> nothing
NOTE: Helper to set the ui scale. Don't call this every frame (it causes textures to be regenerated)

General Info: UI.Begin()/UI.End() defines a window. Widget function calls placed inside this block, are then part of this window. lovr-ui currently uses a row-based auto-layout. That means that there are limits to how widgets are positioned. Widget sizes are mostly character-width based. This is done for simplicity. This library borrows concepts from the outstanding Dear ImGui library and is inspired by microui, trying to be simple and minimal.