

WebXR Device API Specification

Build Status

The WebXR device API is for accessing virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) devices, including sensors and head-mounted displays on the Web.

Headset DevicesHandheld Device e.g. Phone
VRVR Devices, previously handled by WebVRMagic Window Behaviour
ARMixed Reality HeadsetsPhone AR

The WebXR Device API Specification is the repository of the Immersive Web Working Group.

Taking Part

  1. Read the code of conduct
  2. See if your issue is being discussed in the issues, or if your idea is being discussed in the proposals repo.
  3. We will be publishing the minutes from the bi-weekly calls.
  4. You can also join the working group to participate in these discussions.


See also list of all specifications with detailed status in Working Group and Community Group.

Related Specifications


Relevant Links



To generate the spec document (index.html) from the index.bs Bikeshed document:



For normative changes, a corresponding web-platform-tests PR is highly appreciated. Typically, both PRs will be merged at the same time. Note that a test change that contradicts the spec should not be merged before the corresponding spec change. If testing is not practical, please explain why and if appropriate file a web-platform-tests issue to follow up later. Add the type:untestable or type:missing-coverage label as appropriate.


Per the LICENSE.md file:

All documents in this Repository are licensed by contributors under the W3C Software and Document License.

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