


A remote control and remote scripting solution, built with .NET, Blazor, and SignalR Core.

Build Status Tests

Looking for Maintainers

I'm looking for maintainers to help me out! If you are a .NET dev and are interested in helping to keep Remotely moving forward, send me a DM on Discord at jaredatimmy.

Project Links

Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/remotely_app/
Docker: https://hub.docker.com/r/immybot/remotely
Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-TFvr7sZ6M (Thanks, @bmcgonag!)



mkdir -p /var/www/remotely
wget -q https://raw.githubusercontent.com/immense/Remotely/master/docker-compose/docker-compose.yml
docker-compose up -d

Important: HTTPS and Reverse Proxies

The only supported reverse proxy is Caddy, and only when it is directly facing the internet. The default configuration for Caddy provides everything that ASP.NET Core and SignalR need to function correctly.

If you are having networking issues with any other setup, such as with an additional firewall or with Nginx, please seek out community support in the Discussions tab, on Reddit, or another social site. The Remotely maintainers simply can't provide guidance and support for all the possible environment setups.

With that said, ASP.NET Core requires the following headers to be set when behind a reverse proxy: X-Forwarded-Proto, X-Forwarded-Host, and X-Forwarded-For. These correlate to the scheme (http/https), the URL of the original request, and the client's IP address, respectively. The resulting scheme and host are injected into the installers and desktop clients, so they know where to send requests. The client IP address is used in the device info.

The Remotely code does not parse or handle these values. It is done internally by ASP.NET Core's built-in middleware. If the values are not appearing as expected, it is because the headers were missing, didn't contain the correct values, were not in the correct format, or didn't come through a chain of known proxies (see below).

To avoid injection attacks, ASP.NET Core defaults to only accepting forwarded headers from loopback addresses. Remotely will also add the Docker gateway IP ( defined in the docker-compose file. If you are using a non-default configuration, you must add all firewall and reverse proxy addresses to the KnownProxies array in the Server Config.

If you are unable to get your reverse proxies configured correctly, you can at least force the use of HTTPS scheme by setting Force Client HTTPS in the Server Config page.

Microsoft's full documentation on the topic can be found here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/host-and-deploy/proxy-load-balancer

After Installation

HTTP Logging

You can enable HTTP logging to see all requests and responses in the server logs, including headers. This can be helpful for debugging reverse proxy, API, or SignalR issues. The option can be enabled on the Server Config page.

After changing the above, you must restart the container for the changes to take effect.

Build and Debug Instructions (Windows 11)

The following steps will configure your Windows 11 machine for building the Remotely server and clients.

Admin Accounts

The first account created will be an admin for both the server and the organization that's created for the account.

An organization admin has access to the Organization page and server log entries specific to his/her organization. A server admin has access to the Server Config page and can see server log entries that don't belong to an organization.


Within the Account section, there is a tab for branding, which will apply to the quick support clients and Windows installer.

However, the clients will need to have been built from source with the server URL hard-coded in the apps for them to be able to retrieve the branding info.


The database provider, connection strings, and ASP.NET Core port are configurable via environment variables in docker-compose.yml.

All other configuration is done in the Server Config page once you're logged in.

Changing the Database

By default, Remotely uses a SQLite database. When first run, it creates a file as specified for the SQLite connection string in appsettings.json.

You can change database by changing DBProvider in ApplicationOptions to SQLServer or PostgreSQL.


Remote Control Client Requirements

Remote Control on Mobile

Ideally, you'd be doing remote control from an actual computer or laptop. However, I've tried to make the remote control at least somewhat usable from a mobile device. Here are the controls:

End User Support Page

There's a page at /get-support where end users can request support. When the form is submitted, an alert appears on the main page, above the grid.

A shortcut to this page is placed in the \Program Files\Remotely\ folder. You can copy it anywhere you like. You can also have it copied to the desktop automatically by using the -supportshortcut switch on the installer.

.NET Deployments

Shortcut Keys

There are a few shortcut keys available when using the console.

Port Configuration

The host port (left side) can be configured in docker-compose.yml. The container port (right side) should not be changed. See the compose docs for details.

API and Integrations

Remotely has a basic API, which can be browsed at https://{your_server_url}/swagger. Most endpoints require authentication via an API access token, which can be created by going to Account - API Access.

When accessing the API from the browser on another website, you'll need to set up CORS in appsettings by adding the website origin URL to the TrustedCorsOrigins array. If you're not familiar with how CORS works, I recommend reading up on it before proceeding. For example, if I wanted to create a login form on https://exmaple.com that logged into the Remotely API, I'd need to add "https://example.com" to the TrustedCorsOrigins.

Each request to the API must have a header named "X-Api-Key". The value should be the API key's ID and secret, separated by a colon (i.e. [ApiKey]:[ApiSecret]).

Below is an example API request:

POST https://localhost:5001/API/Scripting/ExecuteCommand/PSCore/f2b0a595-5ea8-471b-975f-12e70e0f3497 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Api-Key: 31fb288d-af97-4ce1-ae7b-ceebb98281ac:HLkrKaZGExYvozSPvcACZw9awKkhHnNK
User-Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.22.0
Accept: */*
Cache-Control: no-cache
Host: localhost:5001
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Content-Length: 12
Connection: close


Below are examples of using the cookie-based login API (JavaScript):

// Log in with one request, then launch remote control with another.
fetch("https://localhost:5001/api/Login/", {
	method: "post",
	credentials: "include",
	mode: "cors",
	body: '{"email":"email@example.com", "password":"P@ssword1"}',
	headers: {
		"Content-Type": "application/json",
	if (response.ok) {
		fetch("https://localhost:44351/api/RemoteControl/Viewer/b68c24b0-2c67-4524-ad28-dadea7a576a4", {
			method: "get",
			credentials: "include",
			mode: "cors"
			if (response.ok) {

// Log in and launch remote control in the same request.
fetch("https://localhost:5001/api/RemoteControl/Viewer/", {
	method: "post",
	credentials: "include",
	mode: "cors",
	body: '{"email":"email@example.com", "password":"P@ssword1", "deviceID":"b68c24b0-2c67-4524-ad28-dadea7a576a4"}',
	headers: {
		"Content-Type": "application/json",
	if (response.ok) {


The Alerts API gives you the ability to add monitoring and alerting functionality to your device endpoints. This feature is intended to add basic RMM-type functionality without diverging too far from Remotely's primary purpose.

Alerts can be set up to show a notification on the Remotely website, send an email, and/or perform a separate API request.

To use Alerts, you'd first need to make an API token (or multiple tokens) for your devices to use. Then create a scheduled task or some other recurring script to do the work. Below is an example of how to use PowerShell to create a Scheduled Job that checks the disk space on a daily schedule.

$Trigger = New-JobTrigger -Daily -At "5 AM"
$Option = New-ScheduledJobOption -RequireNetwork

Register-ScheduledJob -ScriptBlock {
    $OsDrive = Get-PSDrive -Name C
    $FreeSpace = $OsDrive.Free / ($OsDrive.Used + $OsDrive.Free)
    if ($FreeSpace -lt .1) {
        Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://localhost:5001/api/Alerts/Create/" -Method Post -Headers @{
        } -Body @"
                "AlertDeviceID": "f2b0a595-5ea8-471b-975f-12e70e0f3497",
                "AlertMessage": "Low hard drive space. Free Space: $([Math]::Round($FreeSpace * 100))%",
                "ApiRequestBody": null,
                "ApiRequestHeaders": null,
                "ApiRequestMethod": null,
                "ApiRequestUrl": null,
                "EmailBody": "Low hard drive space for device Maker.",
                "EmailSubject": "Hard Drive Space Alert",
                "EmailTo": "translucency_software@outlook.com",
                "ShouldAlert": true,
                "ShouldEmail": true,
                "ShouldSendApiRequest": false
"@ -ContentType "application/json"
} -Name "Check OS Drive Space" -Trigger $Trigger -ScheduledJobOption $Option