


This API is a necessary step in the NSO account authorization process. There is an Android emulator on imink's server with the NSO client installed in it, and the f-parameters are generated by this client. It is completely free, you just need to tell me what project you use it in.

I have created a status page for imink API. If you are not sure if f API are available right now, you can check the status of the imink APIs here.


You can use the f API that I have deployed. it is now used for the imink client.

URL: POST https://api.imink.app/f

Header: You must send the correct User-Agent to let me know that you are requesting it. I suggest the format is: {{ Your app name }}/{{ Your app version }}.

Body: JSON

NOTE: timestamp and request_id will be generated by the server if not submitted. It is recommended to use the api generated timestamp and request_id. If you try to submit your own timestamp, it may cause the NSO api to return a 9599 error.


curl -X "POST" "https://api.imink.app/f" \
     -H 'User-Agent: {{ Your app name }}/{{ Your app version }}' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
     -d $'{
  "token": "{{ token }}",
  "hash_method": {{ 1 or 2 }},


  "request_id": "c6e9d62d-7c05-4c9a-8f1a-b6d799fdd5ff",
  "timestamp": 1661355877196,
  "f": "543f7e9c4f3d3b5254a3772d211a8c093888b32991002c353f278bc8766face4b548f1bdaea24c9a58e5012b"

One more thing

The f API is always associated with the NSO version number. If the f API has been updated to the latest version but you are still using an old NSO version number, it may result in errors. You can visit https://api.imink.app/config to obtain the latest version number supported by the f API.

Other f API & Deploy your own f API

Please check out this project, it's better than imink f-api!
