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About PhotoEditor SDK for Android


The PhotoEditor SDK is a powerful and multifaceted tool which enables you to equip your Android application with high-performant photo editing capabilities. The PhotoEditor SDK is written in Java and can easily be customized to entirely blend with your CI and provide your users with the exact feature set your use-case requires.

The SDK ships with a large variety of filters, covering all state of the art style- and mood settings that can be previewed in real-time. Unlike other apps that allow a live preview of filters, the PhotoEditor SDK even provides a live preview when using high-resolution images.

All operations are non-destructive which allows for fast and uncomplicated revision of the creatives at any given time and creates an intuitive and creative workflow for your users. Please see Features for a detailed list of the photo editing tools included in the PhotoEditor SDK.

<a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.photoeditorsdk.android.app&utm_source=global_co&utm_medium=prtnr&utm_content=Mar2515&utm_campaign=PartBadge&pcampaignid=MKT-Other-global-all-co-prtnr-py-PartBadge-Mar2515-1"> <img height="60" alt="Get it on Google Play" src="https://play.google.com/intl/en_us/badges/images/generic/en-play-badge-border.png" > </a>


The PhotoEditorSDK is a product of img.ly GmbH. Please make sure that you have a commercial license before releasing your app. A commercial license is required if you would like to integrate the SDK into any app, regardless of whether you monetize directly (paid app, subscription, service fee), indirectly (advertising, etc.) or are developing a free app. Every license for the PhotoEditor SDK is valid for one product only unless the products are closely related.

If you’d like to use the PhotoEditor SDK for a charitable project, you can do so free of charge. However, please contact us anyway, so we can evaluate whether you qualify for a non-commercial license or not and handle your request accordingly.

Please get in touch if you’d like to purchase a commercial license or require further information on our pricing and services. Please see the included LICENSE.md for licensing details.


SDK Core

ACS Component <br/> A generic Android Camera Stack library which is based on the android.hardware.Camera API. Supports front and rear cam, HDR, flash modes and much more.

SDK Component <br/> The PhotoEditor core library for Android. Containing the OpenGL and toolkit implementation.

UI Component <br/> The default UI components consisting of LivePreview and Editor Activity.


For a detailed documentation, please take a look here.


img.ly GmbH, @imgly, img.ly


The PhotoEditor SDK supports Android 5.0+ API 21 as the minSdkVersion, but it must be compiled with compileSdkVersion 31+.

Add your license file

Before using any components of the PhotoEditor SDK, you have to add your license file to your applications assets folder. The expected default name of the license file is "LICENSE". In order to change this, see licencePath option of PESDKConfig in your gradle file.

The license is digitally signed and can't be altered without becoming invalid. Our sample app comes with its own license, so you can try that right away. To try our SDK in your own app, you need to request a trial license that's bound to your bundle identifier. You can start a trial here and download your license file from your dashboard.

Once the license file has been added the application will validate its presence upon launch.

Setting up the workspace

Please ensure that our artifactory repository is listed in your repositories in the project’s build.gradle file:

// Add the PESDK repository and plugin dependency
buildscript {
    repositories {
        maven { url "https://artifactory.img.ly/artifactory/imgly" }
    dependencies {
        classpath 'ly.img.android.pesdk:plugin:10.8.2'

Apply the img.ly plugin and add the imglyConfig block into your module's build.gradle file:

// Apply the Android Plugin
apply plugin: 'com.android.application'

// Apply the IMGLYPlugin
apply plugin: 'ly.img.android.sdk'
apply plugin: 'com.google.devtools.ksp'

// Configure the PESDKPlugin
imglyConfig {

    // Optional: Enable the VideoEditor SDK
    vesdk {
        enabled true
        licencePath 'vesdk_android_license'

    // Optional: Enable the PhotoEditor SDK
    pesdk {
        enabled true
        licencePath 'pesdk_android_license'

    // Define the modules you are need
    modules {
        // Add all the UI modules you are need
        include 'ui:core'
        include 'ui:text'
        include 'ui:focus'
        include 'ui:frame'
        include 'ui:brush'
        include 'ui:filter'
        include 'ui:camera'
        include 'ui:sticker'
        include 'ui:overlay'
        include 'ui:transform'
        include 'ui:adjustment'

        // Add the serializer if you need
        include 'backend:serializer'

        // Add asset packs if you need
        include 'assets:font-basic'
        include 'assets:frame-basic'
        include 'assets:filter-basic'
        include 'assets:overlay-basic'
        include 'assets:sticker-shapes'
        include 'assets:sticker-emoticons'

// Do your Android Configurations... ex.
android {
    /* Set the compileSdkVersion at 31 or greater and set the buildToolsVersion at '31.0.0' or greater.
     * We can't provide support for bugs, that are the result of older SDK versions.
    compileSdkVersion 31
    buildToolsVersion '31.0.0'

    defaultConfig {
         * Replace with your App-ID and keep sure that it match with your license!
         * @see http://tools.android.com/tech-docs/new-build-system/applicationid-vs-packagename
        applicationId "my.domain.application"

        /* Set the minimum supported SDK Version to 21 (Android 5.0) or higher */
        minSdkVersion 21

        /* Set the target SDK Version at minimum to 29 or higher */
        targetSdkVersion 29

        /* Set your own Version Code and Version Name */
        versionCode 1
        versionName "1.0"

    /* Set Java Language level to Java 1.8+ */
    compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
        targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8

Sync your project with the Gradle files after every edit! For more information about Gradle, please take a look at the Android Developer Documentation

Android Permissions

The PhotoEditor SDK requires two permissions: The "Write access to external storage" and the "Camera" permission (if you include the Camera module). You can grant this permissions yourself otherwise the SDK will automatically grant these permissions

Please take a look at the hint in the next step in order to integrate the Android 6.0 permission request correct!


Start Editor standalone

If you want to open the editor directly with an existing image look at this example:

class KEditorDemoActivity : Activity() {

    companion object {
        const val PESDK_RESULT = 1
        const val GALLERY_RESULT = 2

    // Create a empty new SettingsList and apply the changes on this reference.
    // If you include our asset Packs and use our UI you also need to add them to the UI Config,
    // otherwise they are only available for the backend (like Serialisation)
    // See the specific feature sections of our guides if you want to know how to add your own Assets.
    private fun createPESDKSettingsList() =
            .configure<UiConfigFilter> {
            .configure<UiConfigText> {
            .configure<UiConfigFrame> {
            .configure<UiConfigOverlay> {
            .configure<UiConfigSticker> {
            .configure<PhotoEditorSaveSettings> {

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {


    fun openSystemGalleryToSelectAnImage() {
        val intent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK, MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI)
        try {
            startActivityForResult(intent, GALLERY_RESULT)
        } catch (ex: ActivityNotFoundException) {
                "No Gallery APP installed",

    fun openEditor(inputImage: Uri?) {
        val settingsList = createPESDKSettingsList()

        settingsList.configure<LoadSettings> {
            it.source = inputImage

            .startActivityForResult(this, PESDK_RESULT)

    override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, intent: Intent) {
        super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, intent)

        if (resultCode == RESULT_OK && requestCode == GALLERY_RESULT) {
            // Open Editor with some uri in this case with an image selected from the system gallery.

        } else if (resultCode == RESULT_OK && requestCode == PESDK_RESULT) {
            // Editor has saved an Image.
            val data = EditorSDKResult(intent)

            Log.i("PESDK", "Source image is located here ${data.sourceUri}")
            Log.i("PESDK", "Result image is located here ${data.resultUri}")

            // TODO: Do something with the result image

            // OPTIONAL: read the latest state to save it as a serialisation
            val lastState = data.settingsList
            try {
            } catch (e: IOException) {

        } else if (resultCode == RESULT_CANCELED && requestCode == PESDK_RESULT) {
            // Editor was canceled
            val data = EditorSDKResult(intent)

            val sourceURI = data.sourceUri
            // TODO: Do something with the source...

Start Editor (with camera)

In order to open the camera preview and pass the resulting image to the editor, create a CameraPreviewBuilder and start the CameraPreviewActivity with startActivityForResult(android.app.Activity, int):

The camera module requires two permissions: The "Write access to external storage" and the "Camera" permission. You can grant these permissions yourself otherwise the SDK will automatically grant these permissions.

Please make sure you delegate the onRequestPermissionsResult() to PermissionRequest.onRequestPermissionsResult() as demonstrated in the following example. This ensures correct behavior on Android 6.0 and above.

class KCameraDemoActivity : Activity(), PermissionRequest.Response {

    companion object {
        const val PESDK_RESULT = 1

    // Important permission request for Android 6.0 and above, don't forget to add this!
    override fun onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode: Int, permissions: Array<String>, grantResults: IntArray) {
        PermissionRequest.onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, permissions, grantResults)
        super.onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, permissions, grantResults)

    override fun permissionGranted() {}

    override fun permissionDenied() {
        /* TODO: The Permission was rejected by the user. The Editor was not opened,
         * Show a hint to the user and try again. */

    // Create a empty new SettingsList and apply the changes on this reference.
    // If you have included our asset Packs and you want to use our default UI you also need to add them to the UI config,
    // otherwise they are only available for the backend link serialisation.
    // See the specific feature sections of our guides if you want to know how to add your own assets.
    private fun createPESDKSettingsList() = PhotoEditorSettingsList(true)
        .configure<UiConfigFilter> {
        .configure<UiConfigText> {
        .configure<UiConfigFrame> {
        .configure<UiConfigOverlay> {
        .configure<UiConfigSticker> {

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

    private fun openCamera() {
        val settingsList = createPESDKSettingsList()

            .startActivityForResult(this, PESDK_RESULT)


    override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, intent: Intent) {
        super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, intent)

        if (resultCode == RESULT_OK && requestCode == PESDK_RESULT) {
            // Editor has saved an Image.
            val data = EditorSDKResult(intent)

            Log.i("PESDK", "Source image is located here ${data.sourceUri}")
            Log.i("PESDK", "Result image is located here ${data.resultUri}")

            // TODO: Do something with the result image

            // OPTIONAL: read the latest state to save it as a serialisation
            val lastState = data.settingsList
            try {
            } catch (e: IOException) {


        } else if (resultCode == RESULT_CANCELED && requestCode == PESDK_RESULT) {
            // Editor was canceled
            val data = EditorSDKResult(intent)

            val sourceURI = data.sourceUri
            // TODO: Do something...