npm install timeline
Timeline = require 'timeline'
<script src="/path/to/timeline.js"></script>
To create a timeline using the default options:
timeline = new Timeline
You can also pass in options:
timeline = new Timeline
length: 5000
frequency: 250
The defaults are:
length: 0
frequency: 100
is the total length of the timeline. frequency
is how often tick
events are fired when the timeline is playing. All values are in milliseconds.
A Timeline object contains an Array of markers. Markers are objects with three properties:
<dl> <dt>time</dt> <dd>The time in milliseconds on the timeline where the marker should live.</dd> <dt>forward</dt> <dd>The function to execute when moving forward in time through the marker.</dd> <dt>backward</dt> <dd>The function to execute when moving backward in time through the marker.</dd> </dl>timeline.markers.push
time: 500
forward: ->
backward: ->
All getters return the expected value. Every other method returns the Timeline object for chaining.
<dl> <dt>play()</dt> <dd>Begins playing the timeline, triggering markers as it goes.</dd> <dt>pause()</dt> <dd>Stops playing the timeline.</dd> <dt>length()</dt> <dd>Returns the length of the timeline.</dd> <dt>length(ms)</dt> <dd>Sets the length of the timeline to <code>ms</code>.</dd> <dt>frequency()</dt> <dd>Returns the frequency.</dd> <dt>frequency(ms)</dt> <dd>Sets the frequency to <code>ms</code>.</dd> <dt>position()</dt> <dd>Returns the current position of the timeline.</dd> <dt>position(ms)</dt> <dd>Jumps to the new position at <code>ms</code>.</dd> </dl>Events
Timelines also have three methods for events:
<dl> <dt>on(event, callback)</dt> <dd>Binds the <code>callback</code> function to the event.</dd> <dt>off(event[, callback])</dt> <dd>Unbinds event callbacks. If a callback is passed in as the second argument, only that callback is unbound. If there is no second argument, all callbacks for that event are unbound.</dd> <dt>trigger(event, args...)</dt> <dd>Triggers all callbacks bound to the event. Any extra parameters are passed as parameters to the callbacks.</dd> </dl>Timelines emit these events:
<dl> <dt>play</dt> <dd>Triggered whenever a timeline starts playing.</dd> <dt>pause</dt> <dd>Triggered whenever a timeline pauses.</dd> <dt>end</dt> <dd>Triggered if the timeline hits the end.</dd> <dt>tick</dt> <dd>Triggered every <code>frequency</code> milliseconds while a timeline is playing, and once every time <code>position(ms)</code> is used, regardless of whether the timeline is playing or not.</dd> </dl>timeline = new Timeline length:4000
timeline.on 'tick', ->
$('.current-time').text timeline.position()
Other Properties
<dl> <dt>playing</dt> <dd>True if the timeline is playing, false otherwise.</dd> </dl>Development + Tests
Tests are written in CoffeeScript using Mocha and should.js. To run them:
- Clone the repository
npm install
make test