


ImageJ is public domain software for processing and analyzing scientific images.

It is written in Java, which allows it to run on many different platforms.

For further information, see:

Using ImageJ as a dependency

To use ImageJ as a library in your Maven project, add the dependency:


Where 1.53j is the version of ImageJ you would like to use:

Building from source

With Ant

The Apache Ant utility will compile and run ImageJ using the build.xml file in this directory. There is a version of Ant at


set up to use the JVM distributed with the Windows version of ImageJ. The README included in the ZIP archive has more information.

With Maven

You can compile and run ImageJ using the Maven build tool:

mvnCompile and package ImageJ into a JAR file in the target directory.
mvn -PexecCompile and then run ImageJ.
mvn javadoc:javadocGenerate the project Javadoc in the target/apidocs directory.