


monorepo.nvim demo video. Shows opening a new monorepo and changing scopes using the plugin

monorepo.nvim is a plugin to manage the scope of monorepos inside of neovim!

Its goal is to make juggling multiple projects inside of a monorepo a little easier, in combination with Telescope's find_files.



Install the plugin (This example uses lazy.nvim)

  config = function()
      -- Your config here!
  dependencies = { "nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim", "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim"},

Config Defaults

  silent = false, -- Supresses vim.notify messages
  autoload_telescope = true, -- Automatically loads the telescope extension at setup
  data_path = vim.fn.stdpath("data"), -- Path that monorepo.json gets saved to

The telescope extension needs to be loaded at any point AFTER require("telescope").setup() and require("monorepo").setup(). By default, this is done automatically but you can undo this by setting { autoload_telescope = false } in the config.

This is the snippet you'll need to run to load the extension if doing it manually


Set up your keybinds!

vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>m", function()
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>n", function()

Usage (These can be mapped to keybinds)

Managing Projects

You can add the current file's directory to the project list (works in netrw and files)

:lua require("monorepo").add_project()

You can also remove it if you don't want it in the project list

:lua require("monorepo").remove_project()

You can also toggle these with a single command

:lua require("monorepo").toggle_project()

You can also use a prompt to manage your projects

-- You can use "add", "remove" or "toggle" here.
-- If you don't specify any, it defaults to add
:lua require("monorepo").prompt_project("add")

Changing Projects

You can jump to a specific sub-project using its index (they're ordered in the order you added them)

:lua require("monorepo").go_to_project(index)

I use a for loop here to quickly jump to different indexes

for i = 1, 9 do
  set("n", "<leader>" .. i, function()

There are also functions to jump to the next or previous project

:lua require("monorepo").next_project()
:lua require("monorepo").previous_project()


You can view the project list like this

:Telescope monorepo

or this

:lua require("telescope").extensions.monorepo.monorepo()

You can also manage your projects using keybinds inside of telescope.

-- Normal Mode
dd -> delete_entry

-- Insert Mode
<ctrl-d> -> delete_entry
<ctrl-a> -> add_entry

These are very basic for now and can't be changed in the config, feel free to create an issue to suggest ideas.

Changing Monorepos

Using this, you can switch monorepos without having to close nvim and cd to a different directory

:lua require("monorepo").change_monorepo(path)

This pairs well with something like telescope-project.nvim, which offers a hook when changing projects. See an example from my own config below:

  extensions = {
    project = {
      on_project_selected = function(prompt_bufnr)
        -- Change dir to the selected project
        project_actions.change_working_directory(prompt_bufnr, false)

        -- Change monorepo directory to the selected project
        local selected_entry = action_state.get_selected_entry(prompt_bufnr)



Does this persist between sessions? Where does this save?

I use vim.fn.stdpath("data") to find the data path and then write a file called monorepo.json. This defaults to $HOME/.local/share/nvim/ but can be changed in the config with { data_path = '/path/to/directory' }

Extras features I wanna add in the future