

IllumiDesk Helm Chart


Use this helm chart to install IllumiDesk into your Cluster. This chart depends on the jupyterhub.

This setup pulls images defined in the illumidesk/values.yaml file from DockerHub. To push new versions of these images or to change the image's tag(s) (useful for testing), then follow the instructions in the build images section.


  helm repo add illumidesk https://illumidesk.github.io/helm-chart/
  helm repo update
  helm upgrade --install $RELEASE illumidesk/illumidesk --version $SEMVER --namespace $NAMESPACE --values example-config/values.yaml --debug


Testing Locally

  1. Install Kind
  2. Create a directory called illumidesk-nb-exchange
  3. Inside that directory create a sub directory called illumidesk-courses
  4. Create a cluster with the following YAML config
      kind: Cluster
      apiVersion: kind.x-k8s.io/v1alpha4
      - role: control-plane
        - hostPath: ./illumidesk-nb-exchange
          containerPath: "/illumidesk-nb-exchange"
        - hostPath: ./illumidesk-nb-exchange/illumidesk-courses
          containerPath: "/illumidesk-courses"
  1. Run the following command to create the cluster
    • kind create cluster --name {cluster name} --config test-cluster.yaml
  2. Load images as needed into local Kind cluster
    • kind load docker-image illumidesk/grader-notebook:712 --name {cluster name}
  3. Create namespace in kubernetes
    • kubectl create namespace {}
  4. If testing locally, fetch pull request and cd into root directory, helm-chart
  5. To Deploy:
    • helm upgrade --install {name} charts/illumidesk/ -n {namespace} -f bar-us-west-2-config_go_grader.yaml --debug --dry-run
    • NOTE: name and namespace should match
    • NOTE: remove --dry-run flag to run deploy illumidesk stack
  6. Port forward with * kubectl port-forward svc/proxy-public -n {namespace} 8000:80


* Get logs
  * `kubectl logs {pod} -n {namespace}`
* Exec into pod
  * `kubectl exec -it {pod} -n {namespace} -- /bin/bash`
* If helm chart is hanging, it is likely beacuse you need to load the docker image locally
  * `kubectl get pods -n {namespace}`
    * NOTE: if the `hook-image-puller` is in `init` status, log the pod and see if there are images that the cluster cannot pull

Installing the chart

Create config.yaml file and update it with your setup.

NOTE: to get a token use openssl rand -hex 32:

    helm repo add illumidesk https://illumidesk.github.io/helm-chart/
    helm repo update
  helm upgrade \
    --install $RELEASE \
    illumidesk/illumidesk \
    --version 3.2.0
    --namespace $NAMESPACE \
    --values my-custom-config.yaml
kubernetes create namespace test
helm upgrade --install test --set proxy.secretToken=XXXXXXXXXX illumidesk/illumidesk --version 3.2.0 -n test

Steps to setup argo on a new cluster

helm install argo argo/argo-workflows -n argo --create-namespace
helm install argo-events argo/argo-events --set singleNamespace=false --set namespace=''  -n argo-events --create-namespace
helm install argo-events-nats nats/nats --set cluster.enabled=true -n argo-events
helm install argo-events-stan nats/stan --set stan.nats.url=nats://argo-events-nats.argo-events.svc.cluster.local:4222 --set stan.clusterID=argo-events-stan --set cluster.enabled=true -n argo-events

Uninstall the Chart

    helm uninstall $RELEASE -n $NAMESPACE


Note: Please follow instructions to install the Cert Manager if you are using the ALB or Nginx Ingress Controller

Note: Please follow instructions to setup external dns, if you plan to use this resource

Note: Please follow reference guides in the values.yaml in order to properly configure the resource during a deployment

NOTE: The following envars must be set:

NOTE: The following envars must be set depending on autentication type

allowLocal.enabledEnable local file system (confirm your instance has /illumidesk-nb-exchange-directoryFALSE
and /illumidesk-courses directory)FALSEarn:aws:iam::XXXXXXXXXX:role/eks-irsa-external-dns
allowNFS.enabledEnables creation of NFS pv and pvcFALSE
allowNFS.pathConfigure NFS base path/
allowNFS.serverprovide fs-XXXXXX for aws efsfs-XXXXXX
allowLocal.enabledlocal for local testing or efs for awslocal
postgresql.enabledEnables creation of postgresql manifestsFALSE
postgresql.postgresqlUsernameUsername for postgrespostgres
postgresql.postgresqlPostgresPasswordPostgresql admin password
postgresql.postgresqlPasswordPostgresql password
postgresql.postgresqlDatabasePostgresql Databaseillumidesk
postgresql.existingSecretExisting Kubernetes Secret that exists in the namespaceillumidesk-secret
postgresql.service.portDatabase port5432
externalDatabase.enabledEnables External DatabaseFALSE
externalDatabase.existingSecretExisting Kubernetes Secret that exists in the namespaceillumidesk-secret
externalDatabase.hostHost name of the external database server
externalDatabase.databaseDatabase nameillumidesk
externalDatabase.portDatabase port5432
externalDatabase.databaseUserDatabase userpostgres
externalDatabase.databasePasswordDatabase passwordpostgres123
graderSetupService.enabledEnables Grader Setup ServiceFALSE
graderSetupService.graderSpawnerImageGrader Image Nameillumidesk/illumidesk-grader:latest
graderSetupService.graderSpawnerCPUCPU Allocated for each grader200m
graderSetupService.graderSpawnerMemMemory Allocated for each grader400Mi
graderSetupService.graderSpawnerStorageStorage Allocated for each grader500Mi
graderSetupService.graderSpawnerCpuGuaranteeCPU allocated for each grader200m
graderSetupService.graderSpawnerCpuLimitMax CPU allocation for each grader400m
graderSetupService.graderSpawnerMemGuaranteeMemory allocated for each grader400Mi
graderSetupService.graderSpawnerMemLimitMax memory allocated for each grader800Mi
graderSetupService.graderSetupImageGrader Setup Service Image Nameillumidesk/grader-setup-app:latest
graderSetupService.postgresNBGraderPasswordProvide Postgres PasswordNone
graderSetupService.graderCpuGuaranteeProvide CPU allocation for Grader Setup Service200m
graderSetupService.graderCpuLimitProvide Max CPU allocation for Grader Setup Service400m
graderSetupService.graderMemGuaranteeProvide Memory allocation for Grader Setup Service400Mi
graderSetupService.graderMemLimitProvide Max Memory allocation allowed for Grader Setup Service800Mi
graderSetupService.StorageCapacityProvide storage capacity the Grader Setup Service can use200Mi
graderSetupService.StorageRequestsProvide initial storage allocated for the Grader Setup Service1Gi
graderSetupService.pullPolicyImage pull policy for grader setup serviceIfNotPresent
graderSetupService.graderSpawnerPullPolicyImage pull policy for grader notebookIfNotPresent

Cluster Helm Chart

EFS CSI Driver

  1. Navigate to the `policy folder' and create a policy for EFS
  2. Create a policy for EFS CSI driver using the policy document
      aws iam create-policy \
    --policy-name AmazonEKS_EFS_CSI_Driver_Policy \
    --policy-document file://policy/iam-policy-efs-csi-driver.json
  1. Get the region-code and oidc-id to pass into trust policy
    aws eks describe-cluster --name {cluster} --query "cluster.identity.oidc.issuer" --output text
  1. Use the example policy/trust-efs-csi-driver-policy-example.json to create the trust policy for efs csi driver
    aws iam create-role \
  --role-name AmazonEKS_EFS_CSI_DriverRole \
  --assume-role-policy-document file://"policy/trust-efs-csi-driver-policy-example.json"
  1. Attach efs csi driver IAM policy to the role created in the previous step
aws iam attach-role-policy \
  --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::{account_id}:policy/AmazonEKS_EFS_CSI_Driver_Policy \
  --role-name AmazonEKS_EFS_CSI_DriverRole
  1. Deploy Cluster level resources
  helm upgrade --install {release} illumidesk/cluster --namespace kube-system -f {cluster-stage-custom-config}.yaml --debug --dry-run


efsCSIDriver.enabledEnables EFS CSI Driverfalse
efsCSIDriver.regionregion to pull csi driver imagesus-west-2
efsCSIDriver.regionefs csi driver image address602401143452
efsCSIDriver.passARNenable pass csi arn to service account manifestfalse
efsCSIDriver.roleARNpass csi arn to service account manifest""

Validate the Helm Chart

   kubectl get nodes -o wide
  kubectl get svc -n $NAMESPACE
    dig $HOST 


  helm delete <release name> --purge