<p align="center"> <img src="" alt="target os: linux"/></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="license: GPL v3"/></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="powered by: CMake" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="powered by: CPM" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="powered by: Zydis" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="powered by: LIEF" /></a> </p> <h1 align="center">nvlax</h1> <p align="center">Future-proof NvENC & NvFBC patcher</p>Requirements
- Working internet connection during configuration (i.e cloning does NOT include dependencies)
- CMake
- C++ compiler
git clone ''
cd nvlax
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
Protip: use WSL if you're using Windows.
Example of usage
Patch NvENC in-place:
# nvlax_encode -i /usr/lib/ -o /usr/lib/
# nvlax_encode -i nvEncodeAPI64.dll -o nvEncodeAPI64.dll
# nvlax_encode -i nvEncodeAPI.dll -o nvEncodeAPI.dll
Patch NvFBC in-place:
# nvlax_fbc -i /usr/lib/ -o /usr/lib/
How is this more future-proof?
This patcher performs assembly-level heuristics instead of naive pattern-matching. The patching itself works more/less the same way as in keylase/nvidia-patch.
Which driver versions are supported?
I have tested this patcher against the following versions (on Linux):
- 470.74
- 495.29.05
- 495.44
It should work on previous versions as well. Please don't open-up new issues if you're using ancient drivers, thanks.
Windows support?
accepts NVIDIA DLLs as input files. NvFBC patching is not supported yet, though.
keylase/nvidia-patch - this project wouldn't exist if it wasn't for their outstanding reverse-engineering efforts. thanks!