


Quick access to your most-used command-line bookmarks for Zsh

Screenshot 2024-10-13 at 11 09 56

ZapMarks is a powerful Zsh plugin that streamlines your command-line workflow by providing instant access to frequently used commands through an intuitive bookmark system.

✨ Features

🚀 Quick Start

bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iliutaadrian/zapmarks/main/scripts/install.sh)"

After installation, restart your terminal or run:

source ~/.zshrc

📋 Prerequisites

Before installing, ensure you have:

💻 Installation

Option 1: Automated Installation (Recommended)

The automated installation script will:

  1. Clone the repository to the appropriate location
  2. Configure your Zsh setup
  3. Install the default bookmarks file

Option 2: Manual Installation

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/iliutaadrian/zapmarks.git ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zapmarks
  2. Run the installation script:

  3. Add the plugin to your .zshrc:

    plugins=(... zapmarks)

🎯 Usage

Basic Commands

CTR+BOpen the bookmark fuzzy finder
zapmarks-addAdd a new bookmark
zapmarks-editEdit bookmarks file

Example Workflow

  1. Save a frequently used command:

    # Follow the prompts to add your command
  2. Press Alt+B to access your bookmarks

  3. Type to fuzzy search through your commands

  4. Press Enter to execute the selected command

📁 Configuration

ZapMarks stores its configuration in ~/.zapmarks.json. The file structure is:

  "bookmarks": [
      "command": "git status",
      "description": "Check git status",
      "tags": ["git", "status"]

🙏 Acknowledgments