


<p align="center"> <img width="450" height="450" src="https://github.com/charleenfei/images/blob/master/logo.png"> </p>


Buying airtime is expensive (and expires!).

Subscription access to roaming internet forces you to choose between privacy, convenience and access. The ability to get quick access to data when you really need it to check for directions or call a taxi just doesn't exist. Because some people just want to help create a better world based on sharing what they have. Because other people could be helped significantly by an additional source of income, based off a WiFi network they already have at home.

We believe all these reasons matter, and that access to internet should be a right for everyone.


We incentivise the creation of an internet sharing infrastructure (inspired by the Freifunk project) via micropayments over the Raiden Network, and offer a token flow which actually generates utility.

Future Thoughts: a Spötti on every corner!

We've already mapped out several evolutionary steps in the future lifecycle of FaïrSpöt.

Our Approach: Successes Celebrated and Challenges Faced

Successes Celebrated: Many, and the most important one -- we have turned in a project that we feel represents an engaged and fully committed 48 hour effort.

Challenges: It's the classic story of working with bleeding edge technology, though we are happy to say that no blood was spilt in the course of the last two days.

In this vein, however, we did have a few challenges:

Small but still stressful:

Epic and extremely stressful: