

Go Anytime

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Natural date time parsing for Go. This package was originally forked from github.com/tj/go-naturaldate but has diverged so much that it needed a new name to avoid confusion. Here are the largest differences:

  1. The go-anytime module is written in terms of the github.com/ijt/goparsify parser combinator module, rather than the github.com/pointlander/peg parsing module. That made its development and debugging easier, and also means that its parsers can be use within other parsers that use ijt/goparsify.
  2. Ranges can be parsed using ParseRange or RangeParser, for example "from 3 feb 2022 until 6 oct 2022".
  3. Dates/times and ranges can be replaced in strings using the funcs ReplaceTimesByFunc, ReplaceRangesByFunc, and ReplaceDateRangesByFunc.
  4. Strings can be partitioned into time and non-time parts using the funcs PartitionTimes and PartitionTimesByFuncs.


Here are some examples of expressions that can be parsed by anytime.Parse() or anytime.Parser:

Range examples

Here are some examples of expressions that can be parsed by anytime.ParseRange() or anytime.RangeParser: