

<!-- <a href="https://app.netlify.com/start/deploy?repository=https://github.com/edsilv/biiif-template"> <img src="https://www.netlify.com/img/deploy/button.svg" alt="Deploy to Netlify" /> </a> -->


A template for creating IIIF manifests/collections with biiif

Video Tutorials

How to deploy


Deploy with Vercel

  1. Click Deploy
  2. Enter a name for your repository, e.g. "my-cool-iiif"
  3. Optionally select Create Private Git Repository
  4. Click Continue
  5. Choose a team, or skip
  6. Wait for the deploy to complete


Deploy with Netlify

  1. Click Deploy to Netlify
  2. Click Connect to Github
  3. Choose a name for your new repository, e.g. "my-cool-iiif"
  4. Click Save and Deploy
  5. Wait for the deploy to complete

Tips and Tricks

Use Rapid Compact to compress your 3D models.