


Build and run layered root filesystems.

Build and run layered root filesystems.


  Import Image:
    plash pull:docker IMAGE[:TAG]  -  Pull image from docker cli
    plash pull:lxc DISTRO:VERSION  -  Download image from images.linuxcontainers.org
    plash pull:tarfile ARG         -  Import the image from an file
    plash pull:url ARG             -  Download image from an url

  Export Image:
    plash push:dir ID ARG          -  Export image to a directory
    plash push:tarfile ID ARG      -  Export image to a file

  Image Commands:
    plash build ID CODE   -  Build a new image
    plash mount ID MOUNTDIR        -  Mount image to the host filesystem
    plash mounted ID [CMD ...]     -  Run command on a mounted image
    plash nodepath [--allow-0] ID  -  Print filesystem path of an image
    plash parent ID                -  Print the parents image
    plash rm ID                    -  Remove image and its children
    plash run ID ...               -  Run command in image
    plash do PLASH_CMD ...         -  Shortcut for `plash recall cache ...`
    plash cache PLASH_CMD ...      -  Cache image id output by argv
    plash run:persist ID DIR ...   -  Run and persist fs changes at DIR
    plash stack ID DIR             -  Create a new image specyfing its layer
    plash check ID PATH            -  Invalidate ongoing caches if PATH changed.

  Other Commands:
    plash recall PLASHCMD *ARGS -  Save returned ID and/or reuse last saved ID
    plash chroot DIR [CMD ...]  -  Flavored chroot
    plash clean                 -  Remove internal unsused files
    plash data                  -  Print application data path
    plash help                  -  Print help message
    plash init                  -  Initialize data dir
    plash map KEY [ID]          -  Map lorem ipsum
    plash mkdtemp               -  Create tempory data directory
    plash purge                 -  Remove all application data
    plash shrink                -  Remove half of all images
    plash sudo ...              -  Run program as 'userspace root'
    plash version               -  Print version


cd $(mktemp -d)
git clone git@github.com:ihucos/plash.git .
sudo cp dist/plash /usr/local/bin


sudo rm /usr/local/bin/plash



Plash vs Other Container Engines

Plash containers are not necessarily true containers because they do not fully isolate themselves from the host system and do not have additional security measures set in place. Instead, they are more like a combination of processes and containers, and can be treated like normal processes (e.g., they can be killed). Plash containers also have access to the home directory of the user who started them. To better understand this concept, refer to the provided diagram.

Threads < Processes < Plash < Containers < Virtualisation < Physical computer

In general, the more to the left something is on the spectrum, the less flexible it is, but the more integrated it is with the system, allowing it to share existing resources. Plash containers are more constrained than traditional containers, but in exchange, they have access to resources that would typically only be available to processes.

Resources plash containers share with it's caller

Resources unique to a plash containers

Plash containers are just a normal Linux process that happen to run on a different root filesystem. This means that they have their own set of benefits and drawbacks and may be more or less suitable for a particular use case.

User Interface Guidelines

Development Guidelines


Can I contribute?

Please! Write me an mail mail@irae.me, open an issue, do a pull request or ask me out for a friendly chat about plash in Berlin.

Who are you?

A Django/Python software-developer. Since this is an open source project I hope this software grows organically and collaboratively.

Why write a containerization software?

Technical idealism. I wanted a better technical solution for a problem. In my personal opinion Docker is revolutionary but has some shortcomings: awkward interface, reinvention of established software or interfaces, bundling, vendor lock in and overengineering. In a way it kills it's idea by trying too hard to build a huge company on top of it. Plash thrives not to be more than a useful tool with one task: Building and running containerized processes. Ultimately I wanted something I can if necessary maintain by myself.

Are there plans to commercialise this?

No, there isn't. At the same time I don't want to risk disappointing anyone and am not making any absolute guarantees.

What is the Licence?

plash is licensed under the MIT Licence.

How does plash compare to Docker?

Docker is a bloated SUV you have to bring to the car workshop every week, for random alterations, features and new advertising stickers. Plash is a nice fixed gear bike, but the welds are still hot and nobody checked the bolts yet.

Can I run this in production?

No guarantees.

Is plash secure?

Plash does not use any daemons or have its own setuid helper binaries. Note that plash does not try to isolate containers (which are just normal processes). That means that running a program inside plash is not a security feature. Running any container software introduces more entities to trust, that is the root file system image with its additional linux distribution and its own package manager. Using a program from alpine edge could be considered less secure than a package from debian stable or vice versa. Also note that keeping containers updated is more difficult than keeping "normal" system software updated. Furthermore note that programs could be not used to run inside semi-isolated containers and behave oddly. Plash uses unmodified lxc images. Using plash as root should be avoided and should not be necessary for most use cases. Until now plash was written by one person and of course I could be wrong about something. But generally speaking it really should be good enough.