

<p align="center"> <img highet=150 width=150 src="https://github.com/ihack4falafel/Slink/blob/master/_Logo_.png"> </p>

Slink is an alphanumeric shellcode (x86) encoder that use simple math operations to reformat characters beyond 7f. The tool creation was inspired by the following sploit EDB-ID: 44455. Here's the list of current features:

The following demo shows Slink in action.

<p align="center"> <img src="https://github.com/ihack4falafel/Slink/blob/master/Demo.gif"> </p>
Version 1.1 (June 2018)
- Add the ability to specify shellcode variable. 
- Add final shellcode size.
- Bug fixes.
- Code optimazation.

Version 1.0 (April 2018)
Initial release!