


This repository contains all the code used to train and evaluate our GestaltMatcher-Arc models in our WACV2023 accepted paper: Improving Deep Facial Phenotyping for Ultra-rare Disorder Verification Using Model Ensembles (https://arxiv.org/abs/2211.06764 ).
This repo also contains snippets of code from insightface (https://github.com/deepinsight/insightface).

In order to reproduce the results access must be requested to the GestaltMatcher DataBase (GMDB). That can be done following this link (https://db.gestaltmatcher.org/documents) if you're affiliated with a medical facility or faculty.


Please use python version 3.7+, and the package listed in requirements.txt.

python3 -m venv env_gm
source env_gm/Scripts/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

If you would like to train and evaluate with GPU, please remember to install cuda in your system. If you don't have GPU, please choose the CPU option (--no_cuda) in the following section.

Follow these instructions (https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads ) to properly install CUDA. Follow the necessary instructions (https://pytorch.org/get-started/locally/ ) to properly install PyTorch, you might still need additional dependencies (e.g. Numpy). Using the following command should work for most using the conda virtual env. conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch

If any problems occur when installing the packages in requirements.txt, the most important packages are:


Data preparation

The data should be stored in ../data/GestaltMatcherDB/<version>, it can be downloaded from http://gestaltmatcher.org on request.
Please download the following two files from GMDB website:

cd ../data/GestaltMatcherDB
tar -xzvf GMDB_original_images_v1.0.3.tar.gz
mv GMDB_original_images_v1.0.3 gmdb_images
tar -xzvf GMDB_metadata.tar.gz
mv gmdb_metadata/* .

Make sure your final data structure looks as follows:
where <version> is your version of GMDB.

Crop and align faces

In order to get the aligned images, you have to run the detect_pipe.py and align_pipe.py from https://github.com/AlexanderHustinx/GestaltEngine-FaceCropper.
More details are in the README of that repo.
Most importantly the face cropper requires the model-weights "Resnet50_Final.pth". Remember to download them from Google Docs with pw: fstq

The face cropper requires the model-weights "Resnet50_Final.pth". Remember to download them from the repository mentioned above.
If you don't have GPU, please use --cpu to run on cpu mode.

FaceCropper command to get relevant coordinates of faces from data directory:

python detect_pipe.py --images_dir ../data/GestaltMatcherDB/<version>/gmdb_images/ --save_dir ../data/GestaltMatcherDB/<version>/gmdb_rot/ --result_type coords

FaceCropper command to align all faces based on the coordinates according to the ArcFace alignment used by insightface:

python align_pipe.py --images_dir ../data/GestaltMatcherDB/<version>/gmdb_rot/ --save_dir ../data/GestaltMatcherDB/<version>/gmdb_align/ --coords_file ../data/GestaltMatcherDB/<version>/gmdb_rot/face_coords.csv

Note: the alignment will require the scikit-image package.
Make sure to replace the <version> in the paths with your GMDB version; highest version at the time of writing is v1.0.3

Train models

The training of GestaltMatcher-Arc needs to be run twice: a) for the resnet-50 mix model, and b) for the resnet-100 model. For these also require the pretrained ArcFace models from insightface: glint360k_r50.onnx and glint360k_r100.onnx to be in the directory ./saved_models.
These models can be downloaded here: https://github.com/deepinsight/insightface/tree/master/model_zoo

To reproduce our Gestalt Matcher model listed in the table by training from scratch, use:

python train_gm_arc.py --paper_model a --epochs 50 --session 1 --dataset gmdb --in_channels 3 --img_size 112 --use_tensorboard --local --data_dir ../data 
python train_gm_arc.py --paper_model b --epochs 50 --session 2 --dataset gmdb --in_channels 3 --img_size 112 --use_tensorboard --local --data_dir ../data 

You may choose whatever seed and session you find useful. --seed 11 was used to obtain these results, others have not been tested.

Using the argument --use_tensorboard allows you to track your models training and validation curves over time.

Training a model without GPU has not been tested.

Pretrained models

Due to ethical reasons the pretrained models are not made available publicly.
Once access has been granted to GMDB, the pretrained model weights can be requested as well.

Encode photos and evaluate models

With python predict_ensemble.py you will encode all images in --data_dir, which by default is set to ../data/GestaltMatcherDB/v1.0.3/gmdb_align.
The face encodings will be saved to all_encodings.csv.

For the machine without GPU, please use --no_cuda.

The following command will generate all_encodings.csv using the three models in our model ensemble, as well as the test time augmentation described in the paper:

python predict_ensemble.py


Using the previously computed encodings as input for evaluation will allow you to obtain the results listed in the table.


python evaluate_ensemble.py

---------   test: Frequent, gallery: Frequent    ----------
|Test set     |Gallery |Test  |Top-1 |Top-5 |Top-10|Top-30|
|GMDB-frequent|5761    |593   |52.99 |71.01 |79.19 |89.99 |
---------       test: Rare, gallery: Rare        ----------
|Test set     |Gallery |Test  |Top-1 |Top-5 |Top-10|Top-30|
|GMDB-rare    |792.7   |312.3 |35.98 |53.93 |62.43 |76.56 |
--------- test: Frequent, gallery: Frequent+Rare ----------
|Test set     |Gallery |Test  |Top-1 |Top-5 |Top-10|Top-30|
|GMDB-frequent|6553.7  |593   |50.79 |69.17 |76.66 |88.37 |
---------   test: Rare, gallery: Frequent+Rare   ----------
|Test set     |Gallery |Test  |Top-1 |Top-5 |Top-10|Top-30|
|GMDB-rare    |6553.7  |312.3 |24.05 |38.44 |44.53 |57.95 |


python evaluate_ensemble.py

---------   test: Frequent, gallery: Frequent    ----------
|Test set     |Gallery |Test  |Top-1 |Top-5 |Top-10|Top-30|
|GMDB-frequent|7755    |792   |43.71 |65.16 |73.76 |85.29 |
---------       test: Rare, gallery: Rare        ----------
|Test set     |Gallery |Test  |Top-1 |Top-5 |Top-10|Top-30|
|GMDB-rare    |856.9   |360.1 |31.84 |48.71 |57.06 |70.55 |
--------- test: Frequent, gallery: Frequent+Rare ----------
|Test set     |Gallery |Test  |Top-1 |Top-5 |Top-10|Top-30|
|GMDB-frequent|8611.9  |792   |43.02 |63.70 |72.44 |82.92 |
---------   test: Rare, gallery: Frequent+Rare   ----------
|Test set     |Gallery |Test  |Top-1 |Top-5 |Top-10|Top-30|
|GMDB-rare    |8611.9  |360.1 |19.77 |32.56 |38.57 |49.89 |


Tzung-Chien Hsieh

Email: thsieh@uni-bonn.de or la60312@gmail.com


License: CC BY-NC 4.0