GH Archive
Open-source developers all over the world are working on millions of projects: writing code & documentation, fixing & submitting bugs, and so forth. GH Archive is a project to record the public GitHub activity, archive it, and make it easily accessible for further analysis.
- Download and analyze event archives
- Analyze event data with BigQuery
- Research, visualizations, talks...
For more details, see
MIT, for code and documentation in this repository, see website content (gh-pages branch) is also released under CC-BY-4.0, which gives you permission to use the content for almost any purpose but does not grant you any trademark permissions, so long as you note the license and give credit, such as follows:
Content based on <a href=""></a> used under the <a href="">CC-BY-4.0</a> license.</a>
Note this repository does not contain the GH Archive dataset (event archives/data). The dataset includes material that may be subject to third party rights.