



A JavaScript library to visualize and navigate graphs.

<img src="http://ignacioola.github.com/insights/img/1.png" />

Demo here


### With component.js

Insights can be installed with component.js.

$ component install ignacioola/insights

Without component.js

Add the insights.standalone.js and insights.standalone.css files located under build/ to your webpage.

## Usage

var Insights = require("insights");

Example Data

var nodes = [
        id: 1,
        text: "apple",
        size: 9,
        cluster: 5
        id: 2,
        text: "google",
        size: 7,
        cluster: 2
        id: 3,
        text: "microsoft",
        size: 5,
        cluster: 1

var links = [
    [ 1, 2 ], // [ source.id, target.id ]
    [ 2, 3 ],
    [ 1, 3 ]

## How to use it ?

var el = document.getElementById("container");
var graph = new Insights(el, nodes, links).render();

Adding a an event handler

graph.on("rendered", function() {
    // hide loader, ...



The filter function decides which nodes are visible and which are not. Always after applying filters the graph must be updated by calling update().


To return to the graph initial state, you can call reset().


### Filter by id

graph.filter({ id: 1 });

### Filter by partial text match

graph.filter({ text: "micro" });

### Filter by size

// filter by a range of values

graph.filter({ size: [1, 15] });

// filter greater than.. 

graph.filter({ size: [1, null] });

// filter lower than..

graph.filter({ size: [null, 15] });

### Filter by clusters

graph.filter({ cluster: 1 })

//  or multi-cluster filter...

graph.filter({ cluster: [1, 2, 3] })

### Filtering by more than one value

graph.filter({ text: "app", size: [1, 15], cluster: 0 })

Custom filters

graph.filter(function(node) {
  if (node.text == "something") {
    return true;
  } else {
    return false;


With .focus() you can decide which node and it's relations get highlighted.

Focusing by id


//  or

graph.focus({ id: 1 });

Focus a node and it's incoming relations

graph.focus(1, { in: true })

Focus a node and it's outgoing relations

graph.focus(1, { out: true })

Focusing by exact text match

graph.focus({ text: "Apple" })

This will focus the graph on the first node that matches exactly the given text.

Method chaining

You can apply filters even in the focused state.

graph.focus({ id: 1 })
     .filter({ size: [50, 100] })

Adding a tooltip

Using mustache synthax:

graph.tooltip("<div>name: {{text}}</div><div>count: {{size}}</div>")


Insights(el, nodes:array, links:array, options:obj)

Creates a new graph on the el element with the given nodes and links.

Available options include:

### .filter(fn|obj)

Selects all the nodes that for which fn result evaluates to true or if an object passed by all of it's values.

### .focus(fn|obj|id, options:obj)

Focuses the graph on the first node that matches the passed parameters.

Available options include:


It returns the graph to it's original state.


Centers the graph. If there's a focused node it will be centered around it, if not it will center the graph on the mass center. If a node id is passed, it centers the graph around it.

### .zoom(scale)

Zooms the graph to the given scale.

### .zoomIn()

Zooms in the graph.


Zooms out the graph.

### .getClusters()

Returns an object with the available clusters.

### .tooltip(template:str)

Adds a tooltip with the given template to the node:mouseover event.

## Used in

## Licence