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Asynchronous I/O for Lua.

LuaNode allows to write performant net servers or clients, using an asynchronous model of computing (the Reactor pattern). You might have seen this model implemented in event processing frameworks like Node.js, EventMachine or Twisted. In fact, LuaNode is heavily based on Node.js, because I wanted to be able to do what Node.js does, but using Lua instead of JavaScript.

LuaNode is written using Boost.Asio. From its homepage:

Boost.Asio is a cross-platform C++ library for network and low-level I/O programming that provides developers with a consistent asynchronous model using a modern C++ approach.

That allows LuaNode to be cross-platform. It is mainly developed on Windows, but it is being tested also on Linux and OSX.

Hello, world

The following is the "hello world" of HTTP servers.

local http = require('luanode.http')

http.createServer(function(self, request, response)
   response:writeHead(200, {["Content-Type"] = "text/plain"})
   response:finish("Hello World")

console.log('Server running at')


To run the server, put the above code in a file test_server.lua and execute it with LuaNode as follows:

luanode test_server.lua

Then point your browser to http://localhost:8124/

You'll notice a striking resemblance with Node.js example server. In fact, I've aimed at keeping both, within reason, to be quite compatible. Code from Node.js can be easily rewritten from JavaScript into Lua, and with a few more tweaks, you can adapt code available today for Node.js.


LuaNode can be compiled on Windows, Linux and OSX, using CMake. Although there are makefiles and projects for Visual Studio in the build folder, they are not really meant for general use. Currently, the recommended way to build is by using CMake 2.6 or above.

It is regularly built on:

LuaNode depends on the following:

Debian installation

If you already have Lua, OpenSSL and Boost installed, you can use CMake to build LuaNode (thanks to Michal Kottman). Just do:

When building on ArchLinux, you need to change the install prefix, so the steps required are:

If you do not want to or cannot use CMake, the following has been tested on Ubuntu Desktop 10.10 / Debian testing.

When compiling on ArchLinux, the last step is this:

Note: This installation procedure will be simplified in the future.

Mac OSX installation

Note: Installation was tested on OS X Lion 10.7.5, OS X Mountain Lion 10.8 and OSX Mavericks 10.9

If you don't have boost or cmake installed, you can use Homebrew:

Compile from sources with cmake:


Currently, there's a lot of functionality missing. Doing a grep TODO should give an idea :D


Sorry, I've written nothing yet, but you can get along following Node.js 0.2.5 documentation.

The two most glaring difference between Node.js and LuaNode are:

The unit tests provide lots of examples. They are available at the test folder.


I'd like to acknowledge the work of the following people or group:


LuaNode is available under the MIT license.