SteamGaugesApi - Check steam status easily
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<img style="width: 888px" src="./docs/logo/banner.svg" />SteamGaugesApi is an API client for checking the status of Steam, Dota, CS:GO and Team Fortress. It will consume the API of and is provided by a .NET Standard 2.0 Nuget package.
<p><details> <summary><b>Requirements</b></summary> You need to have a .NET version installed which is supporting .NET Standard 2.0. For more information you can lookup this <a href="">document</a>. </details></p> <p><details> <summary><b>Via nuget</b></summary> <pre><code>PM> Install-Package SteamGaugesApi -Version 1.0.0</code></pre> </details></p>Usage
To use this library you need to add a reference to the used packages, instantiate a Client and create a request to the API.
using SteamGaugesApi.Core;
using SteamGaugesApi.Core.Models;
Then we can use the Client and the response.
var client = new SteamGaugesApi.Core.Client();
var response = client.Get();
<summary><b>Response schema</b></summary>
<img src="" alt="debugging object representation of response"/>
Used libraries
Library | Version |
Newtonsoft.Json | 10.0.3 |
<a href=""><img src="" alt="steam of Kevin Peters"></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="Twitter of Kevin Peters"></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="badge for personal site of igeligel"></a>
<table><thead><tr><th align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" style="max-width:100%;"><br><sub>igeligel</sub></a><br><p>Contributions: 130</p></th></tbody></table>License
SteamGaugesApi is realeased under the MIT License.