

<img src="_imgs/schematic.png" width="200" height="200" align="right">

Multimodal Mixture-of-Experts VAE

This repository contains the code for the framework in Variational Mixture-of-Experts Autoencodersfor Multi-Modal Deep Generative Models (see paper).


List of packages we used and the version we tested the model on (see also requirements.txt)

python == 3.6.8
gensim == 3.8.1
matplotlib == 3.1.1
nltk == 3.4.5
numpy == 1.16.4
pandas == 0.25.3
scipy == 1.3.2
seaborn == 0.9.0
scikit-image == 0.15.0
torch == 1.3.1
torchnet == 0.0.4
torchvision == 0.4.2
umap-learn == 0.1.1



<p><img src="_imgs/mnist-svhn.png" width=150 align="right"></p>

We construct a dataset of pairs of MNIST and SVHN such that each pair depicts the same digit class. Each instance of a digit class in either dataset is randomly paired with 20 instances of the same digit class from the other dataset.

Usage: To prepare this dataset, run bin/make-mnist-svhn-idx.py -- this should automatically handle the download and pairing.

CUB Image-Caption

<p><img src="_imgs/cub.png" width=200 align="right"></p>

We use Caltech-UCSD Birds (CUB) dataset, with the bird images and their captions serving as two modalities.

Usage: We offer a cleaned-up version of the CUB dataset. Download the dataset here. First, create a data folder under the project directory; then unzip thedownloaded content into data. After finishing these steps, the structure of the data/cub folder should look like:

│   │───002.Laysan_Albatross
│   │    └───...jpg
│   │───003.Sooty_Albatross
│   │    └───...jpg
│   │───...
│   └───200.Common_Yellowthroat
│        └───...jpg
    │    └───...jpg
    │    └───...jpg

Pretrained network

Pretrained models are also available if you want to play around with it. Download from the following links:



Make sure the requirements are satisfied in your environment, and relevant datasets are downloaded. cd into src, and, for MNIST-SVHN experiments, run

python main.py --model mnist_svhn

For CUB Image-Caption with image feature search (See Figure 7 in our paper), run

python main.py --model cubISft

For CUB Image-Caption with raw image generation, run

python main.py --model cubIS

You can also play with the hyperparameters using arguments. Some of the more interesting ones are listed as follows:

<p align='center'><img src="_imgs/obj.png"></p>

You can also load from pre-trained models by specifying the path to the model folder, for example python --model mnist_svhn --pre-trained path/to/model/folder/. See following for the flag we used for these pretrained models:


We offer tools to reproduce the quantitative results in our paper in src/report. To run any of the provided scripts, cd into src, and


If you have any questions, feel free to create an issue or email Yuge Shi at yshi@robots.ox.ac.uk.