

TFTUI - The Terraform textual UI

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TFTUI is a powerful textual UI that empowers users to effortlessly view and interact with their Terraform state.

With its latest version you can easily visualize the complete state tree, gaining deeper insights into your infrastructure's current configuration. Additionally, the ability to search the tree and inspect individual resource states allows you to focus on specific details for better analysis and management. It's also possible to select specific resources and perform actions such as tainting, untainting and deleting them. Finally, you are now able to create and apply plans directly from the UI.

Key Features

Changelog (latest versions)

Version 0.13

Version 0.12

Version 0.11



Homebrewbrew install idoavrah/homebrew/tftuibrew upgrade tftuicd /path/to/terraform/project && tftui
PIPpip install tftuipip install --upgrade tftuicd /path/to/terraform/project && tftui
PIPXpipx install tftuipipx upgrade tftuicd /path/to/terraform/project && tftui

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