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The android-startup library provides a straightforward, performant way to initialize components at application startup. Both library developers and app developers can use android-startup to streamline startup sequences and explicitly set the order of initialization.

At the same time, the android-startup support async await and sync await. And topological ordering is used to ensure the initialization order of dependent components.

Here is a piece of with Google App Startup feature comparison table.

indicatorApp StartupAndroid Startup
Manually Config
Automatic Config
Support Dependencies
Handle Circle
Thread Of Control
Async Await
Callback Dependencies
Manual Notify
Topology Optimization
Time Cost Statistics
Thread Priority
Multiple Processes

Open source is not easy, I hope friends shake hands, a star in the upper right corner, thank you🙏

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Add the following dependency to your build.gradle file:

repositories {

dependencies {
    implementation 'io.github.idisfkj:android-startup:1.1.0'

Versions update information: Release

Quick Usage

There are tow ways of using android-startup in your project,need to be initialized before using android-startup.

Define Initialize components

You define each component initializer by creating a class that implements the AndroidStartup<T> abstract. This abstract implements the Startup<T> interface. And this abstract defines four important methods:

For example, Define a SampleFirstStartup class that implements AndroidStartup<String>:

class SampleFirstStartup : AndroidStartup<String>() {

    override fun callCreateOnMainThread(): Boolean = true

    override fun waitOnMainThread(): Boolean = false

    override fun create(context: Context): String? {
        // todo something
        return this.javaClass.simpleName

    override fun dependenciesByName(): List<String>? {
        return null


The dependenciesByName() method returns an null list because SampleFirstStartup does not depend on any other libraries.

Suppose that your app also depends on a library called SampleSecondStartup, which in turn depends on SampleFirstStartup. This dependency means that you need to make sure that Android Startup initializes SampleFirstStartup first.

class SampleSecondStartup : AndroidStartup<Boolean>() {

    override fun callCreateOnMainThread(): Boolean = false

    override fun waitOnMainThread(): Boolean = true

    override fun create(context: Context): Boolean {
        // Simulation execution time.
        return true

    override fun dependenciesByName(): List<String> {
        return listOf("com.rousetime.sample.startup.SampleFirstStartup")


Because you include com.rousetime.sample.startup.SampleFirstStartup in the dependenciesByName() method, Android Startup initializes SampleFirstStartup before SampleSecondStartup.

For example, you also define a SampleThirdStartup and a SampleFourthStartup

Automatic initialization in manifest

The first one is automatic initializes startup in manifest.

Android Startup includes a special content provider called StartupProvider that it uses to discover and call your component startup. In order for it to automatically identify, need in StartupProvider defined in the <meta-data> label.The name as defined by the component class, value values corresponding to the android.startup.


        android:value="android.startup" />


You don't need to add a <meta-data> entry for SampleFirstStartup, SampleSecondStartup and SampleThirdStartup, because them are a dependency of SampleFourthStartup. This means that if SampleFourthStartup is discoverable, then are also.

Manually initialization in application

The second one is manually initializes startup in application.

Consider again the example,to make sure Android Startup can initializes,you can use StartupManager.Builder() directly in order to manually initialize components.

For example, the following code calls StartupManager.Builder() and manually initializes them:

class SampleApplication : Application() {

    override fun onCreate() {

You can check out the sample app for more code information.

Run the example code, the console will produce the log as follows:

  1. After the initialization sequence sorting optimization
*****/com.rousetime.sample D/StartupTrack: TopologySort result:
    |         order          |    [1]
    |        Startup         |    SampleFirstStartup
    |   Dependencies size    |    0
    | callCreateOnMainThread |    true
    |    waitOnMainThread    |    false
    |         order          |    [2]
    |        Startup         |    SampleSecondStartup
    |   Dependencies size    |    1
    | callCreateOnMainThread |    false
    |    waitOnMainThread    |    true
    |         order          |    [3]
    |        Startup         |    SampleThirdStartup
    |   Dependencies size    |    2
    | callCreateOnMainThread |    false
    |    waitOnMainThread    |    false
    |         order          |    [4]
    |        Startup         |    SampleFourthStartup
    |   Dependencies size    |    3
    | callCreateOnMainThread |    false
    |    waitOnMainThread    |    false
  1. Consumed components initialization times
*****/com.rousetime.sample D/StartupTrack: startup cost times detail:
    |      Startup Name       |   SampleFirstStartup
    | ----------------------- | --------------------------------------
    |   Call On Main Thread   |   true
    | ----------------------- | --------------------------------------
    |   Wait On Main Thread   |   false
    | ----------------------- | --------------------------------------
    |       Cost Times        |   0 ms
    |      Startup Name       |   SampleSecondStartup
    | ----------------------- | --------------------------------------
    |   Call On Main Thread   |   false
    | ----------------------- | --------------------------------------
    |   Wait On Main Thread   |   true
    | ----------------------- | --------------------------------------
    |       Cost Times        |   5001 ms
    |      Startup Name       |   SampleThirdStartup
    | ----------------------- | --------------------------------------
    |   Call On Main Thread   |   false
    | ----------------------- | --------------------------------------
    |   Wait On Main Thread   |   false
    | ----------------------- | --------------------------------------
    |       Cost Times        |   3007 ms
    |      Startup Name       |   SampleFourthStartup
    | ----------------------- | --------------------------------------
    |   Call On Main Thread   |   false
    | ----------------------- | --------------------------------------
    |   Wait On Main Thread   |   false
    | ----------------------- | --------------------------------------
    |       Cost Times        |   102 ms
    | Total Main Thread Times |   5008 ms


Optional Config

config in manifest

To use these config, you must define a class than implements the StartupProviderConfig interface:

class SampleStartupProviderConfig : StartupProviderConfig {

    override fun getConfig(): StartupConfig =
            .setLoggerLevel(LoggerLevel.DEBUG) // default LoggerLevel.NONE
            .setAwaitTimeout(12000L) // default 10000L
            .setOpenStatistics(true) // default true
            .setListener(object : StartupListener {
                override fun onCompleted(totalMainThreadCostTime: Long, costTimesModels: List<CostTimesModel>) {
                    // can to do cost time statistics.

At the same time, you need add StartupProviderConfig to manifest file:


        android:value="android.startup.provider.config" />


StartupProvider that it uses to discover and call SampleStartupProviderConfig.

config in application

To use these config,you need use StartupManager.Builder() in application.

override fun onCreate() {

    val config = StartupConfig.Builder()
        .setListener(object : StartupListener {
            override fun onCompleted(totalMainThreadCostTime: Long, costTimesModels: List<CostTimesModel>) {
                // can to do cost time statistics.







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