





This is an experiment to make something like "vvvv" in javascript, html and webgl.

Live demo: http://idflood.github.com/ThreeNodes.js/

Key principles

Some ideas

Development setup

This will automatically compile coffescript files to javascript, sass to css and haml to html.

  1. install node.js 0.8.x or later (http://nodejs.org/)
  2. install compass (http://compass-style.org/install/)
  3. install grunt (http://gruntjs.com/getting-started#installing-the-cli)
  4. cd in ThreeNodes
  5. npm install -d

Build / Deploy

  1. cd in ThreeNodes
  2. grunt build

Known limitations

Howto create a simple scene

First, create a webglrenderer node. Then add a scene and connect it to the "scene" of the webgl node. On the scene children you would connect a "merge" and to it a mesh. With that there should be a red cube showing in the renderer window.