

Augmented Tyria 0.5

PLEASE check in this file before asking questions

Sections are labeled with the version number corresponding to their last update, like this: [0.5].

Use Ctrl + F!

Running AugTyr

Download and extract the archive, then run the AugTyr.exe file alongside Guild Wars 2. The game must be in windowed fullscreen mode for AugTyr to work.

Node types

[0.3] Report console

AugTyr now comes with a report console where helpful messages are be displayed.

Some messages fade out on their own, others stay. The console can be cleared or hidden. Default keybindings for these actions are outlined below.

There are three types of messages:

The console maintains the smallest size necessary to display all of its messages. When there are no messages, the console will be tiny but still visible (unless specifically hidden).

[0.3] Unofficial routes

Routes take me a long time to make, and I'm focusing on implementing features right now. Some people have been contributing their routes, but it also takes me a long time to review those.

At the same time, people want more available routes, faster.

As a solution, I've introduced the unofficial route system.

Routes found in the Routes directory are considered "official," and those in the UnofficialRoutes directory are "unofficial."

New route contributions will be added to the project unreviewed and bundled with releases, as unofficial routes. When loading a route, AugTyr will look for an unofficial route if an official one isn't found first.

Saving is unchanged. AugTyr will always save to the Routes directory.

[0.3.1] Provided routes

TODO: Update this list.

Black CitadelLion's ArchAuric Basin
Bloodtide CoastLornar's PassCaledon Forest
Brisban WildlandsMount MaelstromCursed Shore
Diessa PlateauQueensdaleDredgehaunt Cliffs
Divinity's ReachRata SumFrostgorge Sound
Fields of RuinStraits of DevastationMalchor's Leap
Gendarran FieldsThe GroveMetrica Province
Harathi HinterlandsTimberline FallsPlains of Ashford
HoelbrakWayfarer FoothillsSparkfly Fen
Kessex HillsTangled Depths

[0.3] User config

This version introduces a user config system, which lets you change many ways in which AugTyr behaves.

The file can be found in AugTyr_Data/StreamingAssets/UserConfig.json. It is a json file that can be modified with any text editor (notepad should do, really).

Note: You might notice the json file contains C and C++ style comments. These are technically not allowed by the json specification, but Json.NET seems to be OK with them, so no problem for us.

There is no UI to change the user config. I might make one (separate from AugTyr itself) in the future.

Below is an overview of currently available options.

[0.3.1] Display options

Behavior options

Visual options

[0.5] Follow mode options

Input options

The only input option is InputGroups (object), which in turn can contain the following options.


Active at all times.

Action nameDefault bindingAction
"ToggleHide"Ctrl + Numpad .Hide or show the console.
"Clear"Ctrl + Numpad 0Clear all messages from the console.


Active at all times.

Action nameDefault bindingAction
"Save"Numpad *Save the route with the ID it was loaded as.
"Load"Numpad /Load the route corresponding to the ID of the map you're currently on.
"LoadClipbardId"Ctrl + Numpad /Check the clipbard for a number, then load the route with that ID.
"ToggleMode"Numpad .Go from edit mode to follow mode or vice-versa.


Active only in edit mode.

Action nameDefault bindingAction
"AddNode"Numpad +Insert a node after the selected node at your current position.
"RemoveNode"Numpad -Remove the selected node.
"SelectClosestNode"Numpad 5Select the node closest to you.
"SelectPreviousNode"Numpad 4Select the previous node.
"SelectNextNode"Numpad 6Select the next node.
"SelectFirstNode"Ctrl + Numpad 4Select the first node.
"SelectLastNode"Ctrl + Numpad 6Select the last node.
"PreviousNodeType"Numpad 8Scroll the selected node's type backwards (see node types above).
"NextNodeType"Numpad 2Scroll the selected node's type forwards (see node types above).
"MoveSelectedNode"Numpad 7Move the selected node to your location.
"ToggleAttachNode"Numpad 9Attach or detach the selected node. When attaching a node, it'll be inserted right after the latest selected attached node.
"GetNodeText"Numpad 1Copy the selected node's text to your clipboard.
"SetNodeText"Ctrl + Numpad 1Paste your clipboard text into the selected node's text.
"GetNodeData"Numpad 3Copy the selected node's special text to your clipboard.
"SetNodeData"Ctrl + Numpad 3Paste your clipboard text into the selected node's special text.
"ToggleAttachSelection"Numpad 0Switch selection between the last selected attached node and the last selected detached node.


Active only in follow mode.

Action nameDefault bindingAction
"SelectClosestNode"Numpad 5Select the closest node to you.
"SelectPreviousNode"Numpad 4Select the previous node.
"SelectNextNode"Numpad 6Consume the selected node, selecting the next one.
"ToggleOrientationHelper"Numpad 0Toggle the orientation helper.

Input option format

Each input group contains a list of input actions. An input action is an object with the following elements:

Each action can be bound multiple times, or not at all. Additionally, binding multiple actions to the same input should work as expected, but produces no warning although it probably should; such a warning might be added in the future.

Follow mode tips


Why does AugTyr connect to the internet?

AugTyr uses the official GW2 HTTPS API to build a "game database" of sorts, to be used to resolve waypoint names into waypoint codes.

The download already comes with an up-to-date built database, but AugTyr still makes one API call to check if there has been an update that could've made the database outdated.

All HTTPS API calls can be disabled by setting the AutoUpdateGameDatabase option to false.

How can I tell the beginning of a route?

For now there's two options:

  1. Select the first node (Ctrl + Numpad 4 by default in edit mode), then change to follow mode. The orientation helper will point you in the direction of the first node, try to figure it out based on that.

  2. Since most routes are just 3D versions of Lulle's routes, you check the route for the map you want beforehand here.

A better solution will be integrated into AugTyr in the future.

AugTyr's resolution is wrong

You can set the resolution you want explicitly in the user config file.

I only see a black screen

This has been reported to happen if Windows Aero is disabled. Try enabling it.

Something else that might be related is global graphic options, like those set up via the NVIDIA control panel and such.

If that doesn't help, you can try all possible values of the TransparencyMethod config entry and see if one of them works for you.


AugTyr releases