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ILSpy is the open-source .NET assembly browser and decompiler.

Download: latest release | latest CI build (master) | Microsoft Store (RTM versions only)

Decompiler Frontends

Aside from the WPF UI ILSpy (downloadable via Releases, see also plugins), the following other frontends are available:



ILSpy is distributed under the MIT License. Please see the About doc for details, as well as third party notices for included open-source libraries.

How to build


Note: Visual Studio includes a version of the .NET SDK that is managed by the Visual Studio installer - once you update, it may get upgraded too. Please note that ILSpy is only compatible with the .NET 8.0 SDK and Visual Studio will refuse to load some projects in the solution (and unit tests will fail). If this problem occurs, please manually install the .NET 8.0 SDK from here.

Unix / Mac:

How to contribute

Current and past contributors.

Privacy Policy for ILSpy

ILSpy does not collect any personally identifiable information, nor does it send user files to 3rd party services. ILSpy does not use any APM (Application Performance Management) service to collect telemetry or metrics.